*alli* profile picture


I found my Romeo, and I am his Juliet

About Me

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Hey guys whats up im alli, im 16 years old and im really short. i love to chill with my freinds listen to music and i absolubly so go go shopping. during the summer i like to ride my four wheeler and you may think that im a girly girl but i do have two sides. if you want to know more just me message me and comment my page and we will talk. k love ya sexy bitchesYOU KNOW YOU"RE FROM COLORADO WHEN: *It snows 5 inches and you don't expect school to be cancelled. *You'll wear flip flops every day of the year, regardless of temperature. * You know it's pronounced color-A-do, not color-O-do. *You have no accent at all. *"Humid" is over 25%. *Your sense of direction is: West is toward the mountains, east is away from the mountains,north is mountains to the left, south is mountains to the right. *You say "the interstate" and everybody knows which one. *You think that May is a totally normal month for a blizzard. *You grew up planning your halloween costumes around your coat. *You don't think Coors beer is that big a deal. *You went to Casa Bonita as a child. *You bought your car from John Elway. *You've gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities. *You always know the elevation of where you are. *You wake up to a beautiful, 80 degree day and you wonder if it's going to snow tomorrow. *You don't care that some company renamed it, the Broncos still play at Mile High. *Every movie theater has military and student discounts. *You've laughed at some Texan while on a ski lift because they were wearing a cowboy hat and jeans *Who cares that Six Flags bought it? It is and ALWAYS will be called Elitches. *You know Colfax is the place to purchase a hooker *You know what LODO is

My Interests

The little things, you do to me are taking me over, i wanna show yaeverything inside of melike a nervous heart that, is crazy beatingmy feet are stuck here, against the pavementi wanna break free, i wanna make itcloser to your eyes, get your attentionbefore you pass me bySo back up back up take another chance Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose you Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don’t you say that I’d be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boySo don't just leave me hanging onAnd every time, you notice me by holdin me closely, and sayin sweet things i don't believe, that it could beyou speekin your mind and, sayin the real thing my feet have broke free, and i am leavini'm not gonna stand here, feelin lonely but i wont forget you, and i won't think thiswas just a waste of timeSo back up back up take another chance Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose youWake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don’t you say that I’d beBetter off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boyBut don't just leave me hangin on............bOyS aRe ChEaTs AnD LiArS tHeY'rE sUcH a BiG DiScRaCe ThEy WiLl TeLl YoU AnYtHiNg To GeT tO 2Nd... BaSeBaLl BaSeBaLl He tHiNkS hEs GoNnA sCoRe iF yOu LeT HiM gO aLl ThE wAy ThEn YoU aRe A... hOr-TiCuLtUriSt sTuDiEs fLoWeRs gEoLoGiSt sTuDiEs RoCks AlL a GuY rEaLlY wAnTs FrOm YoU iS a pLaCe To PuT HiS... CoKrOaChEs bEaTlEs BuTtErfLiEs AnD bUgS nOtHiNg MakEs HiM hApPiEr ThAn A GiAnT pAiR oF... JuGgLeRs AnD AcRoBaTs AnD a dAnCiNg BeAr NaMeD cHuCk AlL a GuY rEaLlY wAnTs To Do iS... FFFFFFF-fOrGeT iT nO sUcH LuCk

I'd like to meet:

The little things, you do to me are taking me over, i wanna show ya everything inside of me like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating my feet are stuck here, against the pavement i wanna break free, i wanna make it closer to your eyes, get your attention before you pass me bySo back up back up take another chance Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose you Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don’t you say that I’d be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boySo don't just leave me hanging onAnd every time, you notice me by holdin me closely, and sayin sweet things i don't believe, that it could be you speekin your mind and, sayin the real thing my feet have broke free, and i am leavin i'm not gonna stand here, feelin lonely but i wont forget you, and i won't think this [The Little Things Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com] was just a waste of timeSo back up back up take another chance Don’t you mess up mess up I don’t wanna lose you Wake up wake up this aint just a thing that you Give up give up don’t you say that I’d be Better off better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin If im better off better off, with out you boyBut don't just leave me hangin on............


i love any kind of music bOyS aRe ChEaTs AnD LiArS tHeY'rE sUcH a BiG DiScRaCe ThEy WiLl TeLl YoU AnYtHiNg To GeT tO 2Nd... BaSeBaLl BaSeBaLl He tHiNkS hEs GoNnA sCoRe iF yOu LeT HiM gO aLl ThE wAy ThEn YoU aRe A... hOr-TiCuLtUriSt sTuDiEs fLoWeRs gEoLoGiSt sTuDiEs RoCks AlL a GuY rEaLlY wAnTs FrOm YoU iS a pLaCe To PuT HiS... CoKrOaChEs bEaTlEs BuTtErfLiEs AnD bUgS nOtHiNg MakEs HiM hApPiEr ThAn A GiAnT pAiR oF... JuGgLeRs AnD AcRoBaTs AnD a dAnCiNg BeAr NaMeD cHuCk AlL a GuY rEaLlY wAnTs To Do iS... FFFFFFF-fOrGeT iT nO sUcH LuCk


movies movies movies i love movies and i have to say my fav movie is titanic movies rock my world

zenhex/quiz.php?id=9702" Which Mean Girls Character Are you? (girlz)

Gretchen Wieners
Your a conceited bitch.
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Surface and Sumerland, the simple life, desperate housewives alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"


Reading. . . not really my thing


MY BEST FRIEND BRIANNE MEYER!!!! .. gt_71ca8b0ee5.gif" border=0 alt="Glitter Word generated at Pimp-My-Profile.com" Jared (Subway) lol jk