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good girl image hosting

About Me

C-ool & cute L-ovely O-rganic U-nforgettable D-ashing I-rresistible N-atural E-uphoric!! it's mhe.... ;) goodvibes, partee on!!
This layout was designed for myspace by RENEE MARIE .tight hugs... hmmmm..mwaaaahhh!!goodvibes, partee on!!!

My Interests

d' color pink, watching DVD at home, reading books, food, sweets, movies, music, goodies, shopping, pictures, duties, & studies :Pmy dog (GRACEY)PartEE, bonding, eventS, night life, hunging-up w/ my friendsout of town, d' BEACH

I'd like to meet:



hauz muzic, reggae & RnB

[ Gyskard - Pink Life ]


blue lagoon, city of angels, serendipity, how to loose a guy..., bad boysII, elf, mysic river, the rundown, chicago, finding nemo, lotr, the last samurai, butterflyeffect, 50 first dates, the passion of the Christ, shrekII, man on fire, the terminal, the notebook, wicker park, brokeback mountain


fear factor, CSI, MTV, sponge bob square pants, fairly odd parents, ETC..


Many to mention...


Manny Pacquiao!!!!