Mah life c0nsists 0f.......
_mel0n cake _m0vies
_destinati0n truth:]
_deep c0nversati0ns
_sunset blvd
_apple st0re
I..'m ready t0 fight; ready t0 g0
If y0u think y0ur hand w0uld fit mine... and y0u c0uld make my heart beat really really fast. and music means alm0st everything t0 y0u. sch00l is imp0rant. take a chance with me i dare y0u. i'm n0t here t0 break y0ur heart. i'm here f0r the chances that we sh0uld take t0gether :]
h0w ab0ut y0u say we take th0se chances t0gether?
just think s0mething t0 remember!