Anita Blake Vampire hunter series; Dungeons & Dragons; juji fruits; video games of all sorts; Football; animals; the preternatural; food; swimming; night time; snow; playing music; MORE video games; Art; mythical history; alcohol; things that go bump in the night; puppies (una); bmx; WOLVES; vampires; lycanthropes;the unnormal things of the world; oh and more video games
My boyfriend!!
Holly Marie Combs.
...My Fans...
I like all sorts, but country is not allowed... whoever makes me listen to country gets shanked... On a lighter note, I like classic R&B; Heavy metal; alternative rock; classic rock; techno; soul; musicals; video game music; Priceless tunes; oldies... (like I said all kinds)Favorite bands or what not... Dresden Dolls; Flogging Molly; Azure ray; Cranberries; Sinead O'Connor; Smokey Robinson; Diana Ross; Placebo; Queen; Adema; Atreyu; Tenachious D; Sublime... Wicked; Rent; Little women...and so on and so forth... But the most sacred of music is the .... * breathes deep* the deep cd's yes thats right. gaunteed to turn any white girl black in .25 seconds.. mmhmm
BOONDOCK SAINTS; The Way of the Gun; Scarface; Fight Club; Brotherhood of the Wolf; Count of Monte Cristo; Silence of th Lambs; Saw I & II; Slc punks; Snatch; Secretary; Gingersnaps I, II, III; Gothica; old Chuckie movies; Freddie Kreuger; Sailor Moon; Vampire Hunter D; Appleseed; Tri Gun; The Ususal Suspects; and the list goes on... too lazy I guess
Masters of Horror; Boondocks; Adult Swim; Nip Tuck; Bones; House; CSI...; history Channel; Animal Planet; Discovery Channel; Weeds; Surgery shows; mmmhmm Lifetime; and those crazy ass ghost or poltergeist shows.
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series; Sabriel series; Hawk song series; The Last Vampire series; Dante's Inferno; Crazy vampire, werewolf, or spooky horror bloody scary shit...
Alexander the Great; Shane; Lana; Mystic; Rehail; Holly Marie Combs; Bad Ass gooby guys; and at last but not leat........ My Ma.. heh