Ms. Cat profile picture

Ms. Cat

I am here for Friends

About Me

Um... I'm hungry Alyvia's hungry too...
Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

Anita Blake Vampire hunter series; Dungeons & Dragons; juji fruits; video games of all sorts; Football; animals; the preternatural; food; swimming; night time; snow; playing music; MORE video games; Art; mythical history; alcohol; things that go bump in the night; puppies (una); bmx; WOLVES; vampires; lycanthropes;the unnormal things of the world; oh and more video games

I'd like to meet:

My boyfriend!!
Holly Marie Combs.
...My Fans...


I like all sorts, but country is not allowed... whoever makes me listen to country gets shanked... On a lighter note, I like classic R&B; Heavy metal; alternative rock; classic rock; techno; soul; musicals; video game music; Priceless tunes; oldies... (like I said all kinds)Favorite bands or what not... Dresden Dolls; Flogging Molly; Azure ray; Cranberries; Sinead O'Connor; Smokey Robinson; Diana Ross; Placebo; Queen; Adema; Atreyu; Tenachious D; Sublime... Wicked; Rent; Little women...and so on and so forth... But the most sacred of music is the .... * breathes deep* the deep cd's yes thats right. gaunteed to turn any white girl black in .25 seconds.. mmhmm


BOONDOCK SAINTS; The Way of the Gun; Scarface; Fight Club; Brotherhood of the Wolf; Count of Monte Cristo; Silence of th Lambs; Saw I & II; Slc punks; Snatch; Secretary; Gingersnaps I, II, III; Gothica; old Chuckie movies; Freddie Kreuger; Sailor Moon; Vampire Hunter D; Appleseed; Tri Gun; The Ususal Suspects; and the list goes on... too lazy I guess


Masters of Horror; Boondocks; Adult Swim; Nip Tuck; Bones; House; CSI...; history Channel; Animal Planet; Discovery Channel; Weeds; Surgery shows; mmmhmm Lifetime; and those crazy ass ghost or poltergeist shows.


Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series; Sabriel series; Hawk song series; The Last Vampire series; Dante's Inferno; Crazy vampire, werewolf, or spooky horror bloody scary shit...


Alexander the Great; Shane; Lana; Mystic; Rehail; Holly Marie Combs; Bad Ass gooby guys; and at last but not leat........ My Ma.. heh

My Blog

wow very long time since writing in here

Alright... I am ready to say this. Una has left me.... My best friend has dispersed and no longer wants to be in my life.  Why does this happen to be my lot in life. Am I doing something terribly...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Wed, 21 May 2008 10:58:00 PST

analysing my life of home.

Well I haven't written in here in a very long time... I had my daughter, turned twenty and crash and blew up in a suddenly adult life. It is funny I grew up too young and when I turn twenty I say good...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:19:00 PST


Body: SEX WiTH FRiENDS!If you woke up one morning, rolled over, and saw the person who posted this in your bed, what would you say?Joy- Whos there??!! loljessi-*finally*valan- *scream* are you ...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 10:55:00 PST

I got a white girl pregnant.

HAHAHAHAHA now u'll have bad luck for 900 days and wont have a girlfriend/ boyfriend or sex for 3 years unless you repost it with any of these titles:1.) Some asian guy Got Me Pregnant.2.) I Made Swee...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 11:54:00 PST

i wonder if this will work

Posted by Ms. Cat on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:28:00 PST


sex testBody: Start at 50 and add or subtract points as stated for each statement that applies to you...Above 50 means you are not so good in bed..and not so fun, below 50 means you are real fun and d...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 10:51:00 PST


.... I'm pregnant........  I am actually excited about it. I thought I would freak, but I am totally happy with this. This child will be so flammin' Irish.... The father's last name is O' Connor...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:31:00 PST

wow... moving up in the world...

Yea So Una told me to Get one of these things... I dunno. It willl be odd I guess. Anywho. no one cares so yea.. talkin' to myself here... man Una don't know how you do this...   Sincerely, Cat...
Posted by Ms. Cat on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 07:00:00 PST