s0 pReSh profile picture

s0 pReSh

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am STRAIGHT FORWARD, shopaholic, moody as I am temperamental, i tend to have my OWN trend. I get cranky especially when i'm hungry. Some people say i have a BUBBLEE personality, & some say i'm odd which i agree it isolates you from the rest. I am also candid, witty, spoiled, BRIECAHOLIC & strongwilled i fight for what i BELIEVE in. I respect other people's opinion as long as they respect mine. I am LUCKY for having such a wonderful people around me, my FAMILY & FRIENDS who helps me become a better person. I am complicated & driven, LOUD, UNPREDICTABLE but at the same time i know what i'm capable of. I am one helluva procrastinator -- SAD but TRUE, iNET freak, movie fanatic, PWO - seu'r as you can see i love cheezin that smile, the only girl in the family, O P E N M I N D E D & impulsive. I am satisfied & contented in everything i have & don't have so there's no need for COMPETITION. I am most certainly a SNOB for those people who have MORONIC issues. I avoid to be acquainted to people who only sees other people's flaws just to make them feel good about themselves or perhaps just to have something to talk about. I don't like to be around with people who are phony/plastics so don't mistake me as one. My passions are singing, dancing & ofcourse my favourite sport of all time - VOLLEYBALL. I am attracted to laughing. Laughter is my remedy to anything and everything. I get bored way easily but it doesn't take much to amuse me. I'm hardly ever sad because i can get over things super fast. I am not a religious type of chick but I do believe & FEAR GOD. I am the most pickiest spawn by GOD especially when it comes to VEGETABLES & PERFUME. I do have a fetish on shoes, CLOTHES, sunglasses & purse branded or NOT. I don't like wearing make up it's not that I DON'T KNOW HOW to, it just makes me feel like i'm HIDING something underneath & that's TOTALLY NOT ME. Extraordinary - YES i'm not scared of being ONE -of a- KIND. I am the "PERFECT" combination of "TOUGH & CHARMING" - tested & proven ^_^. I am my OWN worst enemy. I don't take shit from no one & I don't hesitate to put people on blast of hurting whom I love. Names Presh and i run around the house HALF NAKED.(=

My Interests

Anything related to FASHION, Chillaxen with the FAMILY, Volleyball, Dancing yep I CAN CLAP MY ASS ahahah, Singing uhuh i'm workin on it *WiNkZ*

I'd like to meet:

i already have that "SPECIAL" someone, a beautiful daughter, and a gorgeous doggie to annoy with for the rest of my life (=


Rap, R&B, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Oldies but Goodies




Fear Factor, American/Canadian Idol, America's Next Top Model, FRIENDS, Much Music, BET, and DISCOVERY CHANNEL