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My Music range flows from one chart to the other depending on what I need.. If I feel I need soft flowing r&B I grab Babyface, Brian Mcknight and Keith Sweat. If I'm feeling I need edge,adreneline, soul pounding Godsmack and Staind usually fill my bowl. Of course, If I can find a station playing eighties evrything I'm on it..Plz no Duran-Duran,.. My Horth Crt gang of girls completely wore them out. Don't 4get!! Prince is performing at this years SuperBowl halftime show.href="http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/TeflonSaint Sally/Avatars--moving/?action=view¤t=doodlesthegre at.gif" target="_blank"
PulpFiction/Shaun of the Living Dead/Drop Dead Fred/The Godfather trilogy/Boys in da Hood/Sign O'The Times/ Interview with the Vampire/The Cable Guy/ Mission Impossible2/Young Guns 1&2/Tombstone/Land Before Time(1st movie wife and I watched together) & Serenity..
Dead Like Me( The Dry Humor) Firefly (Great writing) West-Wing(great writing)M*A*S*H (thing dad & I watched together) DeadWood (authentic western) & 24 ( Jack Bauer kicks azz!!) Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Angel
Paradise Lost-John Milton The Count of Monte Cristo-Alexandre Dumas The Tr uth w/ jokes- Al Franken