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About Me

Click Here For Myspace Layouts !
Or Get Myspace CommentsI love to have fun anywhere I go and make the best out of every situation. I act goofy most of the time, but I do know how to act conservative when needed (I do go to Operas, Plays, and Musicals you know!)My hobbies include horseback riding, camping, kayaking, hiking, walking, swimming, traveling and of course DRINKING!!!! I can be your typical party animal... really, it's not a party until "Christine" arrives. Ha! Ha!Hum... what else? I guess I should also mention that I’m an amateur Astronomer… I know... I’M A NERD!Oh yeah one more thing... I'm very picky when it come to hygiene! *Please don't respond to this profile if you have green teeth and do not like to take showers!!!*Great Memories...

My Interests

Labas!Anyone want to donate to the "Chrissy Needs Help Buying A Horse" fund??? : -)Check out these beauties...

Lake Superior... Such a lovely place...

I'd like to meet:

Besides Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt... Anyone with a great personality and a good sense of humor... and a good heart of course.FYI, please DO NOT request me as a friend if you are:A. White Trash... (especially those with missing teeth and greasy hair...) B. Gang Bangers... (People in the Mob are okay... ;-)) C. If the only clothes you wear are pieces of underwear... D. If you're trying to solicit anything to do with sex... i.e. yourself. And last but not least... E. If you are trying to sell pieces of Junk! (like stupid rocks on chains... If I wanted to wear that crap I would dig up a stone from my garden and attach it to one of those cheap chains that you get out of the gumball machines.)


I love and appreciate all types of music (well mostly all types... I can't stand that gangster rap Sh*t... So degrading... Don't know why anyone would ever want to listen to that crap!) Some of my favorite bands/groups/composers are Enigma, Vast, Loreena McKennitt, Sarah McLachlan, Spaccanapoli, Metallica, Godhead, U2, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Duran Duran, Evanescence, Bush, Seether, Pearl Jam, STP, NIN, Green Day, Hildegard von Bingen, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Howard Shore, Elliot Goldenthal, Craig Armstrong, Wojciech Kilar, Depeche Mode, Bon Jovi, Daft Punk, Guns N Roses, Nickelback, 30 seconds to mars, Cary Brothers, My Chemical Romance, Puddle of Mudd,... Well, the list can go on and on... (I even like listening to classical and opera... Woo Hoo!)


Into the Wild, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Lost Boys, Lord of The Rings, Contact, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Jurassic Park, The Da Vinci Code, Tremors, The Sixth Sense, A Beautiful Mind, Glory, Beaches, Weird Science, The Andromeda Strain, Schindler's List, The Pianist, Elizabeth, Arsenic and Old Lace, Vacation, Christmas Vacation, European Vacation, Most of the 80's movies... I’m sure there’s a lot more, but I can’t think of them at the moment... Oh and of course I love the following movies that I found on You Tube... Enjoy!


Whatever is on Bravo,... Most of the shows on the Science Channel, History Channel, and the Discovery Channel… Some shows on MTV and VH1,...The Sopranos, Law and Order, I Love Lucy, Big Love, Ghost Hunters, Cops (suckers!!! Ha! Ha!), Intervention, Beverly Hills 90210 (just had to add that one in!), SNL, Mad TV, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken…. and anything to do with the paranormal I guess… Oh and the News (especially Lou Dobbs Tonight...)


How to Mix Your Favorite Alcoholic Drinks, Ambien Made Simple!, Ummm… What else? I guess my Diffy Q books…


Al Capone, Albert Einstein, Galileo, Nicolaus Copernicus , Johannes Kepler, Sir Isaac Newton, Steve Hawkins, and that guy who came up with the String Theory... Oh shoot what was his name???... Oh! And... My Family and Friends of course!