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"The Libyans are coming...the Libyans are coming" - If you get that quote then you truly are an MJ Fox lova! I have to admit that I am a die hard Tim Burton freak! (no relation to the quote of course) Anyone have a problem with that?? I can't help it, I love him, what can I say?I am also obsessed with horror/thriller movies, although I find most quite disappointing. For some reason, no-one can seem to make a decent scary movie anymore, what is with that?Has anyone seen the movie "Saw?" Yeah, not so much. Sorry for all of you who actually liked it, but I don't think the surprise twist at the end was really that great of a twist. Did I miss something? I need a little more than that!
I have to admit that I am a sucker for "Law and Order" - any of the three. Although SVU is my ultimate favorite, I will take any one, anytime, anywhere. They just suck me in, I don't know what it is. Oh and yes I am one of those losers who loves "Lost." Yup that is right, I am not ashamed at all, I can embrace it and be proud!! Is it an obsession? Absolutely not, but I do fancy it quite a bit.
Any and every member of my immediate family. They have all accomplished so much in life that they are the very reason why I do what it is I do. The road has not been an easy one, but the destination sure is worth it!