Just about anything...
You Should Get An Asian Inspired Tattoo
Mysterious and expressive
You like to show off, but you also like to keep some allure
What Tattoo Should You Get?
I would like to meet a great number of people. Most of them are dead and most people have probably never heard of some of them but that is neither here nor their... I want to meet the ancient thinkers and philosophers. I want to meet Kings and Peasants of old. There is no man or woman walking the earth that I can think of that I absolutely need to meet...Myspace Layouts
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Anything I can truly feel.... ya dig...
Ah... There are so many movies. The Shawshank Redemption! Possibly the greatest movie ever made!
Football/Grey's Anatomy/ House/ Scrubs /CSI's / That 70's Show / King of Queens / Family Guy / Anything History Channel / Any of the Medical shows that are on tv.
Sun Tzu, Frost, Poe, Thoreau, Emerson, Hemingway, William cullen Bryant, Alighieri, there are so many... most older poetry and writings... Anything that provokes true intellectual thought...
Superman... How great is he! His secret identity, unlike most every other super hero, is to be a human. To portray a mere mortal! He is hiding his true self by portraying clark kent as he sees the human race. So, next time you say clark is a wussy just remember that it is a front that someone has put on, an image of how the human race is seen, weak... confused... zero confidence...oh, and Corey Davis! He is awesome!