Martial arts (San Da, Liu He Ba Fa, Xing Yi, Ba Gua), Computers, Web Development, Databases, Anime, Tea, Fitness, Nutrition, Graphic design, Digital art, Comic books
Ninjas, Pirates, Ninja Pirates, Robots, Ninja Pirate Robots (etc, ad infinitum), Intelligence, Breakdancer (ONLY IF TEACHING ROBOT!! I'M NOT MESSING AROUND HERE!!)
Jesse Dangerously, Swollen Members, Ill Nillas, Blackalicious, MC Hawking, MC Frontalot, Grand Buffet, Antipop Consortium, Buck 65, Del, Nursehella, YTCracker, Lamb, Mouse on Mars, Tricky, Download, Sleep of Oldominion, Cunninlynguists
Star Wars, Star Trek, Appleseed, Ghost in the Shell, V for Vendetta, The Princess Bride, pretty much any old shitty Kung Fu flick
Heroes, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Red Dwarf, Justice League, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Brothers, The Brak Show, Boondocks, Afro Samurai, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai 7, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Star Trek (all), UFC
Necroscope series by Lumley, Riftwar Saga by Feist