bAskEtBalL, SwiMmiNg, FooTbAlL, bAsicaLly annYtHin A guY sAys A cHicK CaN't dO .... I nOt oNlY CaN Do It I CaN Probably Do iT BettEr too....aLwAys Up FoR A ChallEnGe....THATS ME ..COURTNEY
rAp, Hip hOp, R&B,
hOrrOR..cHIcK FlICkS.....(luuuuuuuuuuuV cHICk fLICKs), cOMeDY...iT rEALLy dOEsN't MaTTer tO mE AS lONG aS IT'S gOOd...aNDiF i'M sEEInG tHe mOvIe fOr tHE fIRSt tIMe i bETTer NoT bE pAyINg
Nip Tuck, Prison Break, Making The Band, The Real World, Anything MTV ALWAYS CATCHES MY EYE TOO
I rEaLLy DonT LiKE tO ReAd MuCh..oNLy WhEn I ReEeEeeaaaaLLlly HaVe To..ThE OnlY BoOk ThaT I CaN SaY ReaLly PuLLeD mE iN foR Me To AcTuAllY FinIsH It WaS "A Child Called "IT"
My Hero Would Have To BE my Son...Because before my son I used to be out at all times of the night partying my ass off and getting into sooooo much trouble and I don't think that I would even be in college right now if it weren't for him since my son was born I now have a future and soo much more..................But I can still party my ass off if I had the chance