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the beatles pink floyd beck the hives sound garden oasis the living end the cramps david bowie t-rex dirty vegas billy holiday phil collins the boys the plasmatics the adicts cock sparrer sham 69 steve miller band the doors the rolling stones elton john kaaos chaos uk wacko jacko in the 1980's the hippos the misfits (glenn danzig only!) the ramones the clash jurassic five cypress hill peter gabriel live radio head (im a creep) sheryl crow agent orange allison krauss the eagles journey led zepplin ACDC styx total chaos queen the police blondie maddona billy idol no doubt incubus dead kennedys the buzzcocks the specials circle jerks one way system citizen fish elvis costello the makers eagles of death metal tom waits the vibrators green day the vaurukars chelsea the fartz the stray cats the damned black sabbath elle fitzgerald miles davis tom petty and the heart breakers the hookers rage against the machine crass all out icons of filth broken bones 999 uk subs the exploited fear sting u2 SRV lenny kravitz GBH the partisans guaze discharge the who THE STOLEN SWEETS!!! and all kinds of other ones i just cant think of right now.
lord of the rings (all 3), Moulin Rouge, Monty Pythons holy grail, baz lurmans romeo and juliet, the fifth element, transporter, chicago, and others. Lets not forget Forest, Forest Gump.
best book, the bible, then its fear and loathing in las vegas, a clockwork orance, peppermints in the parlor, and the lord of the rings trilogy.
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