King_Jeremy_the_Wicked profile picture


Anybody who's ever seen the band knows I'm not a ham. I'm the whole pig.-Paul Stanley

About Me

Layout by CoolChaser I'm just trying to figure out where things go,who I am,and where you fit in 'cuz you're at least kind of interested otherwise you wouldn't be checking out my page. Questions, comments, or caustic remarks can be asked I'm open to answer questions for people who actually want to get to know me and what I'm about.

My Interests

movies, comics, music, girls,etc.

I'd like to meet:

interesting & like minded eccentrics,great bands,old friends,and all other sorts of the like. If you pertain to one or all of those categories then, we'll get along just fine. Otherwise, piss off.
Buy Unforgivable merch NOW, or I'mma call BOVICE!


rock,punk,indie,new wave,pop,classical,rap,....basically anything but country


Batman,Batman Begins,Big Trouble in Little China,Clerks, Mallrats,Chasing Amy,Dogma,Sideways,Garden State,Evil Dead Trilogy,Rules of Attraction,Say Anything,Better Off Dead, High Fidelity,The Warriors,The Kid Stays in the Picture,The Big Lebowski,No Country for Old Men, Planet Terror and so much more


nip/tuck,smallville,the boondocks,saved by the bell,buffy the vampire slayer,scrubs,inked,house m.d.,the office, my name is earl,monk,etc.


Killing Yourself to Live,Breakfast of Champions,The Big Book, Seduction of the Innocent,any thing by Grant Morrison,etc.


Batman, Robert Evans, Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino,Robert Rodriguez,Bruce Campbell, Snake Plissken,Daniel Johnston, Jack White, Zach Braff, Rob Zombie,Al Jorgensen,Mike Ness,Frank Miller,Grant Morrison, Kurt Vonnegut,Chuck Klosterman, Johnny Cash, Jack Black, Vince Vaughan,Mr. T. , Mil Mascaras, Jason Lee,Gary Oldman,James Dean, and any other badass from the past 21 centuries (theoretically we could be here all day if I named them all)

My Blog

Hey FNMTV, play some F’N videos!

When I heard that MTV was going to have a show that was going to play videos, I thought "This can't be what year is it and more imporatantly who's the president?". After waking up from what could only...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 07:42:00 PST

Hey FNMTV, play some F’N videos!

When I heard that MTV was going to have a show that was going to play videos, I thought "This can't be what year is it and more imporatantly who's the president?". After waking up from what could only...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 07:43:00 PST

"Without the sour the sweet just ain’t as sweet."

Things have been kind of up and down as of late. A few weeks back my car finally broke down for the last time (blown rod), I knew it was going to happen sooner or later; I should have some sort of veh...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 04:42:00 PST

Things to do when you cant sleep (cuz theres plenty of time to sleep when you are dead)

I can't sleep (yet again), this should be no big surprise to anyone who has known me in the past few years; the insomnia isn't so bad, at this point I'm used to it. I find that these are my peak hours...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 02:52:00 PST

Adios 2007

Well, this year has been quite the doozy. There have been challenges of all sorts along the way; some met and past others have come to conquer me. Whatever it was I made it through the other side chan...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 02:47:00 PST

Time Away

Well, I've been out of town for almost a week now and I've had time to think about things that are important to me. Mainly, family(biological, and close friends) and I couldn't be happier with all of ...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:03:00 PST

Review: No Country for Old Men

Definatley on my top ten for this year, scratch that it is number one for this year. Everything is there where writing, direction, acting and cinematography is concerned. It stands up to any of the la...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 02:17:00 PST

Nxet year the Montiverse will change!

First things first, Happy Holidays to you all if I did not get to wish them to you eaer last week, hope all was well as your bellies were filled and pockets emptied. Mine was a rather pleasant experie...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:51:00 PST

"Gasdalf" and the day’s journey to far off

First off, this week seems to have gone by so fast already Friday again. It was filled with a lot of cool happenings here's the rundown: Dave's B-Day, thanks to all who made it as much a joy to be the...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 06:44:00 PST

No Money, Mo’ Problems

"No news is good news" is the motto that best desrcibes me at this point in time. First, I get a speeding ticket two weeks ago(my first ever) coming home from a halloween party;Undoubtetly, this raise...
Posted by King_Jeremy_the_Wicked on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST