Come on.. be a good sport! profile picture

Come on.. be a good sport!

You love blow.. and I love pearl

About Me

My name is AAREN-JAMES IDRIS MARTIN! I like to call myself Aaren Theron so hopefulle one day some one will ask me "Are you related to a woman called Charlize?" and I can scream back "YES! Yes i am!"... oonneee daayyy lol!I LOVE ACTING,FILMS AND THE THEATRE! I like to laugh a lot. ALOT ALOT! haha! I like to be wild. I like to try new things. I like to smile. I don't like talking on the telephone. I love being crazy and adventurous and never knowing whats going to happen next. Anything wild and different and extrovert is BRILLIANT! WILD SIDE! Thats how i would express what i like to do. Live it mad! I like to make up fun stories! I don't like it that i rant on about things too long and before you know it, people lose track of what i say. They just nod and agree, haha, I see them do it. Fault of my own though. I like to put others before myself. I like my haircutting skills. I dislike stuck up gay men. GET A LIFE! Stop pouting all day. I like the idea of being a superhero. My power would be to control the weather, like Storm, and together we'd rule the skies, until i beat her ass and go solo :) I HATE people that spend all day posting bulletins. YOU clog up my bulletin posts with crap. Those people need to be recycled... In a nice way :) I love my friends! They all have something unique and funny to share. I would love some Harajuku girls! I have some friends who we call the GUILDFORD GIRLS but they're not the same. They can smoke though so i guess they're not all that bad... Are they? I LOVE FILMS! I like to make up dance routines and hit the dance floor with a routine. Any routines from the 80's are great like - The robot, Triangle fingers sweapt over the eyes, P.E lessons warm up, swimming and madonna yoga! I wouldn't mind being a free-runner one day. I've already started on steps, next i'll be on walls and before you know it, i'll be jumping higher walls. And i love spending time with my friends. I hate it that i plan things.THATS IT!According to a survey my traits are:Messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture.
Create your own Friend Quiz here19TH BIRTHDAY PICTURES!!!

My Interests

This is me, Soph, Jaed and Bex rolling down the hill on Cardboard Filmed by Terry! OH YEAH! Hahaha rock on!Me and Clare Lownes falling down the stairs in a sleeping bag!!!IM INTERESTED IN REALLY COOL STUFF! i love drama, SOOO so much, dancing and singing. I really want to go to LAMDA its a drama school but it's so hard to get into because it's like one of the best in the country. Im so envious. But thats my mission in life to get into LAMDA even if im still trying at 80. I'll go in there and say "I've been auditioning here for sssiiiiixxxtttyyyy yyeeeaaarrrsss and today im going to be playing Romeo. Im not too old. Im still young. Watch me do the yoga. OOOOOWWWwww i don't bend that way anymore!" LOL! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO My life is over! hahaha! One day i'll get in there! Im interested in meeting new people.

I'd like to meet:

Charlize Theron is my favourite actress! She rocks my world! Hehe! I saw her in "The astronauts wife" and "Monster" and "Aeonflux" and im a fan for life. She just makes a really good performance and doesn't play herself which some actors do. I kow it ounds wanky but... She inhabits the person she is playing and doesn't acts it. THAT IS WANKY... haha but true.There are really funny things she sais in Aeonflux too like there is grass that is really sharp and she saisd "Better keep off the grass" Haha! And she gets taken to prison and they give her a glass of water and she looks at it with her extra sonic eyes and sees poison in it, does a dramatic pause and sais "Amatuers!" Hehe! I love her! I'd love to meet her and ask her how she is so good and how i can act as good as her.


MY TOP 10: Blondie, Missy elliott, Marilyn Manson, Guano Apes, surferosa, Abba, Veruca salt, The pipettes, Yeah yeah yeah's and (Jaed's 80's album) Back to the Future.And some others... PJ Harvey, Enya, Garbage, Alanis morissette, Dixie Chicks, Ella fitzgerald, Micheal jackson, Janis Joplin, Kate Bush, Sheryl Crow, Meat loaf, Basement Jaxx, The Donnas, The spice girls, Noir Desir, Britney spears, No Doubt, Moulin Rouge (soundtrack), Pitchshifter, Mr Bungles, DJ Yoda, Mungo Jerry, George Girshwin, Salt and Pepper, Disney songs and songs from the 80's.


MY TOP 10: Monster, Muriel's wedding, Batman returns, Hocus Pocus, Requiem for a dream, Drop dead fred, Death becomes her, Aeonflux, Mysterious skin and 21 grams.And the others... Alien Collection, The rules of attraction, The astronauts wife, The twins effect, Legally blonde 1 and 2, Thelma and Louise, Beatlejuice, killjoy 2, Brokeback mountain, Bubble boy, Thinner, Mean girls, sin city, Return to Oz, White chicks, Battle Royal, Gothika, Matrix trilogy, Nursie, Granny, Rat race, Lord of the rings trilogy, White oleaner, Fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe, True romance, A life less ordinary, The wiz, The story of us, Resident evil 2, Romy and michelle's high school reunion, Blue Velvet, Moulin Rouge, Drop dead Gorgeous, Misery, The little mermaid, What lies beneath, Cube 2, Crouching tiger hidden dragon, I.T, The Game, The Craft, Beverley hills ninja, Jade Goody's Dance workout.


Mona the Vampire, Trisha, Dick and Dom in da bungalow, Sunday science show, The simpsons and Friends.


The following plays - Saved by Edward Bond, Road by Jim Cartwright, I liked a slag's deodrant by Jim cartwright, My brother's Keeper? by Nigel Williams, Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare, Tape by Stephen Belber, Gotcha by Barry Keefe, Kiss me like you mean it by Chris Chibnall and A boy's life by Howard Korder.


Charlize theron, Spiderman, Michelle Phieffer, Kathy Bates, Toni collette, Ian mckellan, Storm and Debbie harry.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Blog

Coming back to Portsmouth!

2nd of July guys im back in Portsmouth... i look forward to seeing you all. Im gonna miss people from this place, but im gonna look forward to seeing you guys at home. Oh, my birthday is next thursday...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 06:16:00 PST


SHOCKING NEWS! I read the paper today and it said that there is this new organism that they have decided to call "The blob" NNNNNOOOOooooo It's Jabba the hut in disguise! you might think...  But ...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 11:03:00 PST

Some memories (Part 1)

HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! Im at East 15 at the moment, and well, im locked out (AGAIN!) i hate getting locked out because your not even allowed to stay in the school. You have to leave. IM BANISHED! And i ha...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Tue, 23 May 2006 03:28:00 PST

Charlize Theron

The last weekend i had a Charlize theron movie marathon and i saw the best performances like... EVER! She is sooooooo good!!! I saw "Monster" where she plays a prostitute, turned murderer who pretends...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 06:02:00 PST


Yesterday, Sunday February 5th 2006, marked mine and Jonnie's 6 month anniversary! YAY! It's sooooo good too! I love him so much! He is really fun and i didn't want to leave either... oh well. We had ...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 07:38:00 PST


I can't stand that lady! Alright... first she got to my milk, taking drips here and there being very sweet about it all. Then, she used cups and cups and i let it pass. BUT THE OTHER DAY... i got home...
Posted by Come on.. be a good sport! on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 06:20:00 PST