In 2007 Rivet was activated to go overseas with the National Guard. Thick Noose guitarist Chaotic Weevil, who had played in a band called Winterwulff and the Sexual Harassment Pandas with Rivet and former Plasmacrash drummer Jon, was added to the band to fill in for Rivet. This transitional period saw the band taking a break from playing live shows.
During the hiatus, Asbestos pursued his side project Tantalus Doctrine, with Pseudokiss Masochist of The New Waveforms. Rivet, meanwhile, continued developing his guitar technique and working on Plasmacrash material over the course of his deployment, and played in a cover band called Testocalypse with people from his platoon.
As the band was preparing for it's return to playing live shows, Asbestos recruited two new members: drummer Joey Gunn and bassist Kevin Lawless. Gunn managed to land the band a slot performing at the 2007 Anime Wasabi convention in Denver. The band opened for Japanese Industrial act The Royal Dead. While being one of the largest shows the band had played in terms of crowd and venue, Plasmacrash recieved mixed reviews from the audience.
Presently, the band plays shows with a lineup consisting of Asbestos, Gunn, Lawless, and Weevil. Rivet has returned from a tour of duty in Iraq with the US Army, just in time to rejoin the performing lineup for the 2008 Colorado Dark Arts Festival.
Want to play with Plasmacrash? Send us a message on Myspace, or send an email to [email protected]
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