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The Great Band of Led ZeppelinHey Stupid.
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It would take too long to list every movie I like, so the only thing I won't watch is a western-cowboy movie.Take the quiz:
Zombie Survival Quiz
Congratulations! You defeated the onslaught of corpses thanks to your knowledge of survival, and superior logic. After spending 10 - 20 years in complete isolation, your group will explore again to find that future generations will turn to people like you to rebuild society.
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House Supernatural Smallville The Red Green Show News Nova Law & Order ESPN Around The Horn Southpark The Daily Show The Colbert Report MXC The Simpsons War At Home Eureka Dead Like Me
The Zombie Survival Test :
Zombie Master.
85% survivability & 75% asskicking-ability!
You were born for z-day. Acquiring supplies, ammunition, fuel, and unturned followers is your forte. Not only will you be killing zombies left and right, but you will be leading the other survivors. You will be the one making decisions and the person who is looked to for advice. Congratulations.
Trait . low score high score
Sociability 4% socially reserved, detached friendly, open
Aggressiveness 2% mild mannered, uncompetitive predatory, domineering
Assertiveness 68% introverted, loner controlling, aggressive
Activity Level 3% relaxed, laid back vigorous, high energy
Excitement-Seeking 5% sedate, restrained adventurous, wild
Enthusiasm 16% somber, pessimistic cheerful, optimistic
Trust 65% suspicious of others trusting of others
Submissiveness 92% rebellious, lawless dutiful, obedient, compliant
Altruism 22% selfish, cold, austere helpful, selfless, indulgent
Cooperation 82% argumentitive, confrontational conflict averse, meek
Modesty 87% arrogant, self-satisfied humble, unassuming, doormat
Sympathy 30% callous, heartless empathetic, warm
Confidence 39% not confident in work confident in work, egoistic
Neatness 44% disorganized, messy planner, clean, anal
Dutifulness 33% dishonest, derelict honest, rule abiding, proper
Achievement 4% lazy, unmotivated driven, goal oriented
Self-Discipline 68% procrastinator responsible, efficient
Cautiousness 98% spontaneous, daring, reckless careful, controlled, safe
Anxiety 75% relaxed, fearless fearful, worrier
Volatility 81% calm, cool touchy, tempermental
Depression 74% content, balanced emotional, self hating
Self-Consciousness 69% confident, assured low self esteem, shy
Impulsiveness 57% high self control low self control
Vulnerability 38% resilient, unphased confused, helpless
Imagination 4% practical, realistic dreamer, unrealistic
Artistic Interests 52% artistic indifference art, nature, beauty lover
Introspection 1% not self reflective self searching
Adventurousness 8% conventional, safe spontaneous, bold
Intellect 88% instinctive, non-analytical intellectual, analytical
Liberalism 76% conservative, traditional progressive, open
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