Joey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Who me? I have the strength of ten men, I eat molten steel, piss tequila (really!). I can travel through time and fly.

My Interests

Conan, what is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women! " Cycling, snowboarding,..

I'd like to meet:

Keith Richards. People who eat Spam. Anthony Bourdain. Someone that could help me with my Cumbia would be great. I was learning, but my teacher got canned. Also, maybe a new bike-riding partner or two (Road, Mountain, or drunken cruiser). Cool People. Fixed Gear riders.


Everything but new country. the Clash,Mos Def, Fanny Pack, D'Angelo (Voodoo),Blind Faith, DJ Mark Farina, Junior Boys, Outkast, Scissor Sisters, Flaming Lips, Hank Williams SR, Ladytron, Stevie Wonder , Postal Service, Johnny Cash, Tribe Called Quest (ROTP), Hayes Carl, Banda Machete ( CUMBIA!!!!), Beck, Van Hunt, DJ Shadow, Arlo Guthrie (Running Down the Road), Finley Quaye, Dee Lite, Marvin Gaye (70's & 80's), Roots, Bob Dylan.


Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy,Grandma's Boy, Scrapple, Life Aquatic, Batman Begins, Matador (Almodovar) It's all Gone-Pete Tong, Breaking Away(bike geek), Blade Runner, Dangerous Liasons, Swingers (soo money,baby) Rushmore, the Sheltering Sky, Wild at Heart(best of the Eighties) X-men(1,2 & ..),Empire Strikes Back.


Korgoth of Barbaria, Ghost Hunters, Samurai Champloo, The Dog Whisperer, Roller Girls, Venture Bros.,Cowboy Bebop, Law & Order, Iron Chef (the Japanese one).


Anything By Philip K Dick, the Dark Knight Returns, Confederacy of Dunces, Larousse Gastronomique, Barnett's guide to Bicycle Repair, The Physiology of Taste.


Jesus, Orville Wright, Batman, my grandpa, Anthony Bourdain, Neil Armstrong, Eddy Merckx. Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 90% Green Lantern 70% Iron Man 70% Robin 70% Supergirl 65% Hulk 65% Superman 60% Batman 60% Wonder Woman 55% The Flash 55% Catwoman 40% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
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