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something clever

About Me

Eh, I don't know. I'm short. I laught a lot, usually because I don't hear what someone just said, or I don't know how else to respond, or because I'm drunk. That said, I'm a good little Irish girl and like to drink...as well as partake in other "illegal" recreational activities. That sounds much worse than intended. I'm guessing most people think I'm random. I'm kinda gullible, people think I'm really nice and I don't understand why. I'm sarcastic and I hate over-rated people almost as much as I hate slow-walkers. I've gotten myself into so many embarrassing situations I'm surprised that I haven't shot myself in the face. Speaking of face, I've gotten hit in the face with a lot of balls, and not those kind of balls you pervs. I mean, volleyballs, basketballs, softballs (while sitting in the stands at a game!) tennis balls, and I guess that's it. Hmmm, I think everyone can understand the randomness now. I love Chicago and probably show way too fierce of Chicago pride. I have a master's degree, but I barely remember what I wrote my thesis on. I pretty much bullshit and half-ass everything. I used to hate myspace but it's beginning to grow on me, I guess. The end.

My Interests

During the week my interests are limited to working, reading, sleeping, and eating. But when the weekend arrives, you can usually find me hitting the bottle.

I'd like to meet:

Conan O'Brien, Jim Morrison, John Stewart, David Cross, Sarah Silverman, David Byrne, David Sedaris, more I'm sure. I got bored.


Classic rock, Indie Rock: The FAINT, Sublime, SPOON, The Violent Femmes, Beta Band, Beirut, ANDREW BIRD, Beck, Modest Mouse, The Cure, FRANZ Ferdinand, The Arcade Fire, Ray LaMontagne, NICK DRAKE, Supersystem, Futureheads, Bloc Party, The Allman Brothers, The Beatles, WILCO, John Lennon, Rolling Stones, LED ZEPPELIN, Pink Floyd, FIONA APPLE, Elliot Smith, Devendra Banhart, Michael Franti!, Interpol, Boy Least Likely To, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Cream, The White Stripes, The Decemberists, Queen, QUEENS of the STONE AGE, Cat Stevens, The Mars Volta, the Doors, Eagles of Death Metal, Goldfrapp, Quasi, Tom Petty, TALKING HEADS, David Byrne, The Pixies, MUSE, Kasabian, The White Stripes, Phish, Kings of Leon, They Might Be Giants, BEN FOLDS, Cake, Rufus Wainwright, Sufjan Stevens, Of Montreal, the list goes on....


too many to list. mainly comedies, but some dramas and scary movies are damn good too.


Conan, DEGRASSI, Arrested Development, Lost, Rome, Law and Order, Boy meets world, Futurama, Even Stevens, FAMILY GUY, The Daily Show, The COLBERT Report. You can even find me watching a lot of Adult Swim. Although watching TV too much makes me crazy, practicing the piano in between helps....


Can't list them all, but some favorites: Trinity, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera, Fast Food Nation, Prozac Nation, Maus I and II, Catcher in the Rye, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Animal Farm, The Sun Also Rises, Light in August, White Noise, M. Butterfly, How the Garcia Girls lost their Accents, In the Time of the Butterflies, All Quiet on the Western Front, The Things They Carried, Native Son, The Poisonwood Bible, Slaughterhouse V, The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, Jitterbug Perfume, Flags of our Fathers, Black Like Me, Running with Scissors, anything David Sedaris, Kurt Vonnecut, and Tom Robbins...The Joy Luck Club, The Stranger, The Plague, Catcher in the Rye, Flannery O'Connor's short stories, the Harry Potter books, Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, The Road, A Long Way Gone, The Shipping News, Nikel and Dimed, Catch 22.


not you. sucka

My Blog

Oh dear god

Wow. I pieced together last night inadvertantly, not really wanting to, but it happened. My powers of deductive reasoning are much too keen. And I puked after three sips of a beer today.  In the ...
Posted by Heather on Mon, 28 May 2007 04:03:00 PST


I think I'm getting too old for my wayward ways. I think I'm hungover. Blah. Meh. Eh. Bye.
Posted by Heather on Sun, 20 May 2007 11:44:00 PST

A little of Crazy? and some CTA?

    Oh man am I feeling crazy.  Lots of news, but not all of it for you random person probably not reading my stupid ass blog.I got into U of Chicago!  With a huge ass scholar...
Posted by Heather on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:24:00 PST

Duff beer for me

Why am I not sleeping? Soon, I will only be working two jobs.  This is a really good thing. I'm tired.  All the time.   But making enough money to live by, and then some. I'm ap...
Posted by Heather on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:54:00 PST

Hello my lover, my Conan

So yeah, Conan O'Brien. I saw you walking down the street in Old Town the other day, and I'll be seeing you soon again my dear, oh so soon.  Yay tickets! I am damn lucky.  My luck is hopefu...
Posted by Heather on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 01:47:00 PST

From 180 to a 360

I should be getting ready to go out right now.  But instead, I post a blog on myspace. Genius, I know.  I'm beginning to think I have a problem with being anywhere on time.  I'm constan...
Posted by Heather on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 05:51:00 PST

Harry S. Truman

My stomach hurts.  I'm going to lie down, but I have to walk Suzy.  I don't care, she can shit on top of me.  I want to rest, loooooong day. I had an audition/interview to be a part-ti...
Posted by Heather on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 05:09:00 PST

hey yo whaddya know?

Changes are in the air, and luck is in my favor, or at least I'm pretending it is. I can feel I'm getting a full-time job soon- interviews have been promising and I might get hired full-time at the C...
Posted by Heather on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:30:00 PST

Let's get drunk and screw

Yo yo, I just sent out an email for the big ol' Christmas spectacular coming soon to my apartment.  I'm a loser and all excited, but it's a funny email if I don't say so myself.  I mean, how...
Posted by Heather on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 08:48:00 PST

Selfless, cold, and composed

I'm listening to Ben Folds now, he's great.  I have a cold, and am really tired.  I'm trying to put off grocery shopping as long as possible, therefore I must eat absolutely all the food I...
Posted by Heather on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 09:16:00 PST