My family is the most important thing to me right now. I have two sons who are simply amazing in their own ways. My wife is wonderful and understanding and a true partner to all that I am. I am nothing at this point in my life without her. I am always interested in pretty much anything. I enjoy learning new things as well as doing something I have done my whole life every now and again. I like camping, fishing, being outside mostly. I also enjoy baseball and cooking. Who doesn't like to eat? I'd love to be a chef and cook for all of you. Except for you. I don't really like you. It's all a ploy to gain your trust.
I don't really think I'd like to meet anyone. Is it bad of me to not want to make new friends? They are so difficult to maintain. What is the point of it all anyways? But, whoever invented Turkey Hill Orange Tea is my hero. That is definitely my drink of choice. People that enjoy sarcasm are valuable to me. I'm mean and I say hurtful things. Sorry.
U2 (Greatest Band EVER. Period.), Modest Mouse, Old Dave Matthews Band (pre Busted Stuff), Flyleaf, Billy Joel, The Killers, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Eminem, Blue October, Avril Lavigne, Gavin Degraw, Tenacious D, The Fray, Sesame Street on Broadway and probably a lot more that I can't think of right now.
Well, at one time there was a lot of movies listed here. I guess someone did not like my choices. In that spirit, let me list them again: Star Wars Episodes I-VI, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Fight Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Borat, 40 Year Old Virgin, Old Disney classics (not the cartoons), Robin Hood (the old Disney classic cartoon), Boondock Saints, Matrix Trilogy, and pretty much anything with either Scarlett Johansson or Ewan McGregor (I named my son after him! He's obviously my favorite actor. NOT CHRISTIAN BALE) in it. I love 'em both.
Time to update this list due to the recent writer's strike. I guess they deserve it, but the lack of new shows and some of them being put off until the fall is just awful. Right now Lost is all I've got going for me. I am eager for Hell's Kitchen to start again (April 1st), and House will be all new soon. I have stopped watching wrestling. It eats up too much of my wife's time. Plus, I really think I have outgrown it. TV is only good anymore to put me to sleep. Maybe when we all go to HD I will become Amish and throw the TV in the street. British Office is hilarious. David Brent is too much sometimes. I also like an old sitcom called "Still Standing." Stephie hates it.I will also watch M*A*S*H, The Simpsons, South Park, Seinfeld (Greatest show of all time), and Family Guy whenever any of them are on. I do miss Duck Tales though. A-Team. I love it when a plan comes together.
I like to read comic books. Anything else is apparently a big waste of my time.
My father. He's a postman.