I think it's about time I change this now that I'm not living in the state of TX. anymore even though the majority of my things still reside there.
I'm still busy
doing everything and nothing... I suppose that will never change, but that is all for the glory of the one who made me.
Joblessness has given me the time but not the money to do a lot of the things that I was interested in doing. I suppose now that I'm working that that will be reversed.
Those that know me, know
that I like to take things at a pace that only suits me at times; Though I'm by no means lazy, I do keep busy, making sure to take care of that which needs to be taken care of...
And, when I'm not trying to keep up with my friends that are currently scattered around this country, I'm looking for a home to actually settle into... That, or camping out on someones couch.
It was a while back that I decided on few things in life; One was to make sure I hold on to my youthful imagination. Two, to always be learning something new, and finally three, which is really the most important, nothing satisfies or fulfills like Jesus; so don't stray away from Him and everything else will line itself out.
I think, truthfully, that my life has been up to this point a trial of learning humility, and really still is, as things unravel themselves in my everyday "meanderings"... and learning what not to do in life, so that I can be the man that GOD would have me to be...
The rest of the things that make up our day to day can be nothing or everything depending on how we approach them so why do them without God. That's why I strive forward, always seeking truth, taking the lesser road traveled, or maybe I'm just trying to sound cool, I'm not sure...
I'm just busy doing nothing so that I can eventually
be everything for HIM who guides me. That's what its really all about anyway isn't it. Living out what we were created to do... Loving God back...
I do have a few personal interests in this world, my family, and my friends who I'll do anything for in this world; in which I hope they all know.
Art, most people would say it's computers or anime because I'm kind of this "chic nerd", something I came up with to classify myself.
You can use that by the way, because I know your going to anyway.
Quality time; Hanging out with my friends getting to know them. When I have the rare
opportunity to do this. And, finally, though there are many many other things I could add along to this list, the small
things in life. Walking around in the woods, smelling fresh honey, or the air after it rains. I know you all are thinking... "Man how metro
is this guy?" I honestly think we'd all live happier longer lives if we could stop and enjoy what GOD has given us. He made us gardners and
artists; Thinkers and philosophers, its the small things that we are supposed to enjoy. Well my time is up for now on working with this thing.
Maybe I'll change it up again in a few months or so. GOD bless!