I like activities that utilize a board, texas holdem, singing in the car, halo 2, walking at night, power naps, trying to understand the gospel, and free cell.
Apostle Paul, Jesus of Nazareth, Apostle Peter, King David, and Doyle Brunson "Texas Dolly" aka the other Doyle.
Kirk Franklin, Tupac, Annie Lennox, Seal, Switchfoot, Kanye West, Caedmons Call, City on a Hill, Arrested Development, Phil Collins, Bob Marley, Braddah Iz, Hawaiian, Korean Pop music, Reggae.
Forrest Gump, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Classic, Batman Begins, Equilibrium, Jerry Maguire, The Wedding Singer, Chingu, The Lion King, Unbreakable, Major Payne.
Chappelle's show, World Series of Poker, Project Runway, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Deadliest Catch, Planet Earth, Seinfeld.
The Bible, Mere Christianity, Out of the Salt Shaker, More than a Carpenter, Gods that Fail, The Cost of Discipleship, Blue like Jazz.
You are my hero!