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PLEASE try not to mistake me for the VISUAL
APPEARANCEit is only skin deep. The clothes on your back, your good looks, and theGAME you PLAY take you no further than foot you take to step.
iCARE to an extent, not too much to where it alters my PERCEPTION of you.what makes you HAPPY is all that matters. i will not disagree with what makes you SMILE.TEARSare a sign of WEAKNESS. it is one thing i keep to myself. it's what i don't share. if ever you see me do, you are SPECIAL.
You look at me as if i live a life of SIN and if so, I'm loving every minute of it. you talk real loud, but your not saying nothing koo. i do what i want cuz i can. i don't PLAY by your rules i make my OWN i do what i do cuz i like what i do. aREBEL at heart. if you can keep up with me, you got me hooked.
I admire those who are unique and who are not afraid to show who they really are. People who do not mold into society and who don't blend in with the crowd.People who wear what they want to wear, say what they want to say, and who live life like there is no tomorrow.
A person who walks in a crowd of a million people, and can still SHINE like a piece of diamond in dirt is who i LIVE to be.