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Goggles are for EVERYONE!

About Me

I am boring.

My Interests

Being highly distractible they vary, but usually include: Ceramics. Makin' stuff. Books (comic, children’s, classics, how to). Animals. Gardening. Goldsworthy. Calder. DaVinci. VanGough. Bipolar Disorder. My Little Pony. World of Warcraft. Neopets. Sewing. Camping. Fire. Native Americas. Tea. Playtime. Baking. Napping. Tim Holmes. Music. Anagama!
Drop in on a few of my favorite web places...

Line Rider

Pollock Fun

Singing Horses

Ninjai: The Little Ninja

I'd like to meet:

In General:
Leonardo DiVinci. Tom Waits. Andy Goldsworthy. Drew Barrymore. The Dali Lama. Tim Holmes when he was a little boy. Thomas Jefferson. Neil Gaiman. Julie Taymor. Peyo. Alexander Calder. Carol Spinney .
On MySpace:
- Potters (God I love clay and fire!)
- Anyone from Maui HI
And most importantly,
- People from my past. I have lost touch with so many people with whom I did not intend to lose touch with. I hate myself for that. There are so many that I let go by the waysides that have touched my heart and soul. I'm such an ass.

And if I don't know you:
Pretty please, with sugar on top, shoot me a letter. Oterwise Ima just deny yor ass!

As for the hamster below...


adopt your own virtual pet!


Pretty much any genre, just Quality. Too many to list, but here are some.
Some Favorites Artists are: Tom Waits, Older U2, Beatles, Warren Zevon, Miles Davis.
Favorite Albums are: Mule Variations- Tom Waits, Joshua Tree- U2, Abbey Road- The Beatles, Kind of Blue- Miles Davis, Graceland- Paul Simon, Mutineer- Warren Zevon.
Some Favorite songs: Into the Mystic- Van Morrison ::: Pink Moon- Nick Drake ::: Roam- The B-52's ::: Big In Japan- Tom Waits ::: Back on the Chain Gang- The Pretenders ::: Here Comes the Sun- The Beatles ::: Wild Horses- The Sundays ::: Surrender- Cheap Trick ::: Genius of Love- The Tom Tom Club ::: Hurricane Waters- Citizen Cope ::: Baby's Got Sauce- G. Love& Special Sauce ::: Sympathy- Janes Addiction ::: Let's Stay Together- Al Green ::: Knocks me off my Feet- Stevie Wonder ::: Tear in your Hand- Tori Amos ::: Every Time You Say Goodbye- Allison Kraus ::: Tommy the Cat- Primus.


LotR (of course), Princess Bride, Spirited Away, The Fifth Element, Dogma, Rivers and Tides, Toy Story 1&2, The Last Samurai, Labyrinth, Howl's Moving Castle, Amelie, Kung Fu Hustle, Kill Bill, The Lion King, Chocolat.
When I was little: Charlotte's Web, Lady and the Tramp, and Disney's animated Robin Hood. (including The Princess Bride and Labyrinth!)


I do not watch much TV, I usually just get hostile and start cursing at it. What I do watch is:
The Simpsons. Law and Order. MXC.
Guilty pleasure: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I hate every thing else.


"Georgie to the Rescue", Sandman Series, Twilight series, Harry Potter Series, Watership Down, To Kill a Mockingbird, Kingdom Come, Cunt, Simple Abundance, Little Bunny Follows His Nose, Stardust, The Dream Hunters, The Velveteen Rabbit, Anything S.A.R.K., Favorite Folktales From Around the World, Mythology (the art of Alex Ross), any Goldworthy book, Dictionaries....


People who: overcome great obstacles, master their fears, live without hate, seek beauty in all things, challenge themselves, spread happiness, and give love indiscriminately.

My Blog

Wood. Fire. Clay. Cold. Bench seats.

We are home from the firing. We are home from the unloading.We went against out purist nature and started with a propane torch just to help dry Her out. Good thing we did. She hasn't been fired in 2 y...
Posted by La on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:34:00 PST

Washed Away

Open air, young and newWarm skin and sun's swayAway too long You come bursting inAnd the rain washed me away.Running free in the streetsA white-hot summer's dayTwirling, spinning, Dancing, laughingAnd...
Posted by La on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 08:34:00 PST

I don’t have the words.

Check out this video: If you watch this 100 times you will still laugh Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by La on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:39:00 PST

Eat your heart out Fred Astaire!

I love Rodney!rodney mullen Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by La on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:50:00 PST

My randomly assigned Hitman name.

I had to post it!TwitchPeople Iced:SevenCar Bombs Planted:SixFavorite WeaponShards of GlassArms Broken:ThreeEyes Gouged:Thirty TwoTongues Cut Off:Forty sevenBiggest Enemy:The Black AngelGet Your HITMA...
Posted by La on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 06:50:00 PST

I called her! I called her!

She doesn't hate me! And I'm gonna see her!and Life Is Good!
Posted by La on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:56:00 PST

I am a crappy friend.

The amount of people that I truly liked, even loved have slipped by the wayside because of my own selfishness. This is something that I truly HATE about myself. Being that it is not healthy to hate ...
Posted by La on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 05:35:00 PST

I don't know why I did this.

How to make a LarissaIngredients:1 part friendliness1 part humour3 parts joyMethod:Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum!Username:P...
Posted by La on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:59:00 PST

Where am I going with this?

I am one of those people who runs out into rainstorms, talks to everything, and celebrates the ridiculous. I am forever creating, cursing my mediocrity, getting distracted, walking through the dream w...
Posted by La on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 02:35:00 PST

The Liberation Front

I Quit my Job! Hooraye!
Posted by La on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 02:17:00 PST