Get off the Internet! profile picture

Get off the Internet!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Jont is a thermos flask full of burning emotion. Care to unscrew his lid and take a sip?

Jont is not a man, Jont is two children stacked one on top of the other hidden under a long overcoat attempting to buy alcohol.

He is also an artist, his work is exhibited here. Available for commissions by the way, contacting me through this profile is as good a way as any.

My Interests

Games, comics, illustration, tv, films, your basic geek pursuits.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody. If you're a stranger and you want to be my friend, please make an effort to talk to me after you add me. No messing about like.


Rocket from the Crypt, At the Drive in, Black Heart Procession, David Bowie, Hot Snakes, The Clash, Eels, Bjork, The Slits, The Dresden Dolls, Orbital, Melt-Banana, The Sultans, Dan Sartain, The Starvations, Fortune's Flesh, The Pixies, Drive Like Jehu, Eels, Goldfrapp, The Knife, Le Tigre, Iggy Pop, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Electric Eel Shock, plus more.


Battle Royale, Trainspotting, Dawn of the Dead, The Evil Dead, Carnival of Souls, Kontrol, Session 9, Fight Club, The Wicker Man, Shaun of the Dead, The Life of Brian, The Life Aquatic, Happiness, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Secretary, Shaolin Soccer, Tideland, the work of David Lynch, Michelle Gondry and the Cohen Brothers.


Twin Peaks, Carnivale, Buffy (especially the early days, before it went a bit shit), Brasseye, Spaced, Lost, Heroes, Peep Show.


Catch 22, Good Omens, 1984, The Discworld series (well the first twenty or so anyway it's been a while since I read them)


John Reis, Dave Gibbons, Dale Cooper, The Dude, Lord Summerisle, Mr. Furious, David Firth, Bill Hicks, David Bowie, Chris Morris.

My Blog

Growing up.

I've been thinking about maturity, and whether I've attained it yet. I like to have fun, I think I'm easier to be around then when I was younger. There have been years in my life where I just didn't s...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 04:27:00 PST

It's the most wonderful time of year.

I love Halloween. There should be more of it, and less Christmas. Not that I'm the Grinch, or that I want to deny Slade of the valuable royalties, but it's only supposed to last twelve days, keep it t...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:10:00 PST

Join Dan Sartain in the UK

Came across this on the Swami records message board. Dan Sartain is back in the UK next year in January and FebruaryDates as follows:The Loft@The Graduate Cambridge THU 01/02/2007Oxford Zodiac - Over ...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 03:36:00 PST

Words to live by.

the show with zefrankthe show with zefrankCycles and brain crack, the banes of my life....
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:13:00 PST

I'm Going Home.

Back in Manchester, relived to be in a city where people actually walk the streets. nothing against Texas, but I'm glad to be away from there. had some good times, but in the end there's too many bad ...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 07:39:00 PST

Happy Texas

Sup world.Over in Texas, having fun and getting drunk, woke up with a mohawk one morning and learned something important, when you don't use hairspray all the time all you end up with a mullet ha...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 05:10:00 PST

Stop trying to use that olive branch to self-harm, I passed it to you with good intentions.

Apparently circulating Livejournal, a fake private space where whiny adolescents/ the whiny adolescent in us all speak their problems outloud and pretend that nobody hears them. Speaking from persona...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:15:00 PST

WORK MY LOG       -where in Jonathan Keappock illustrates a various range of scenarios, factual and fictional using cameras, ink and prose at an alarmingly irregul...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 06:45:00 PST

haha, I have become what I hated, but all for a good cause.

New song on my profile, it's hidden and you can't make it stop unless you turn off your speakers or (more likely) get the hell away from my profile.Personally I recommend you just turn off anything el...
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 11:20:00 PST

there's no there there

So here I am on MySpace and I'm not realy sure what i should do with it. Maybe I should take some online personality tests and post the results.
Posted by Get off the Internet! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST