neon. dinosaurs. birthday candles. flowers. eyeballs. mountains. shells. bubbles. memories of adventures with friends. izzy soda. comfy sheets. quantumn physics. other people's tatoos. lightening storms. agave nectar. colored crayons. chet farquar. pirates. clouds. blue eyeliner. biking. coffee. circus performers. tiles on the bathroom floor. trash as treasure. nag champa. driving and smiling. oregano oil. birds. skinny pants. waves. kings in the corner. gossip magaznes. snow.
myself in other, alternate realities... all the possible outcomes of all the different choices in life lead to endless versions of me exsisting in other lifetimes. every single "me" needs to meet up and swap stories, it would be amazing.
CMC Music Factory, NKOTB, White Snake, William Hung, Maureen Mc Govern, Daft Punk, Michael Jackson, Immortal Technique, M.C. Hammer, CCR, Scissor Sisters, Billy Talent, Spice Girls, Avril Lavine, Encursus.
yup, i like movies.
yeah, lots, just ask what i've read in the past year.
the inventor of egyptian magic, that stuff is amazing!