.. The Landlord on FunnyOrDie.com ..
The Arctic Monkeys, Athlete, Blind Boys of Alabama, Ella Fitzgerald, Ben Folds, Johnny Cash, Death Cab for Cutie, The Dandy Warhols, The Donnas, The Dresdon Dolls, Bob Dylan, The Faint, Franz Ferdinand, Gilbert and Sullivan (shut up! it's funny!), Glenn Gould, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Goldfrapp, The Gossip, Billie Holliday, Early Etta James, Norah Jones, Keane, The Killers, Monkee Torture (yay Glen!), The Ramones, The whole Rat Pack, Renee Flemming, The Rolling Stones, Sia, Snow Patrol, Starlight Mints, My Chemical Romance, Sarah Vaughn, Various operas, Verdi, Tom Waits, White Stripes, Wolfmother, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, blah, blah, blah...bunch of other stuff. I make no assumptions that I have good taste - I just know what I like - so all you crazy elitist music nazis can just calm down. You know who you are.
The Notebook, Silence of the Lambs, Resevoir Dogs, Kill Bill, oh all Tarentino, Ken Burns' Mark Twain Documentary, Garden State, Amelie, Some Like it Hot, Fight Club, High Fidelity, various silent films. There are plenty of others I can't think of right now.
Trying to break the habit. Don't encourage me.
I love to read but I will probably never read a "Harry Potter" book. I'm sorry if that makes you hate me. "The Divinci Code" probably won't get picked up either. Or "The Secret." They just don't interest me. So STOP ASKING. I usually have a couple of books I'm in the middle of - just finishing up Salem's Lot right now.
My dad and mom. Can you blame me?