RED HOT BARBIE DOLL profile picture


In yOUr EyEs thE nIght stArs dAncE

About Me

| View Show | Create Your OwnI'm proud that I am cuban..I came from Cuba Havana, arrived to Key West *(MARIEL)* on August 1980, and grew up in Miami...For who I am sweet, open-minded, warm-hearted, taleneted, creative, inspiringly, affectionate, kind, loving, understanding, caring, friendly, outgoing, spontaneous & honest with a big heart.LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING. it would be nice to meet someone eventually that has the same views as me (whether its about life in general, or where to drink on the weekend, lol, it doesnt matter, as long as we enjoy each others company doing whatever it may be that we're doing) and can share that together. I want to meet someone that i can sit next to, not say a word to each other and both know that was the best conversation ever, just by having such good company with me =0) With good company I can be a great girl, if not I've been known to have broken a few hearts, but life is short, get a challenge, fight life, keep move on but always have a good memorare the days, knowledge, understanding, and experience.friendship and love spending time and enjoy the beauty of the world around us. I have my art hobbies and loved ourdoor, fun Loving and try to always make the best out of every situation. i'm fresh out of a "relationship" and taking some me time now. I work hard and play harder any chance I get. I always have smiling, even though most people wouldn't think so because of my appearance I'm The friendly person you will ever meet. sense of humor, SUCCESSFUL, Sexy,& spontaneous.

My Interests

I LOVE yo go @ THE BEACH!, hang out, graphic design, listen muscie (tunes) mix house etc, yoga, workout, love to cook, i am picky must to clean, lol some sporot, but i am natural energy, my body must keep busy, not to be lazy! only once or weekend or something a nice cozzy mood (smile)I Love PhotoShop!, graphic design, music, love to cook & health, club dance, hang out, go to the beach! I never go camp yet can you believe it? as much as i can, and i cant & not allow to jump, run, it sad unless there much more oh right my own way yoga, I love it, i know my feel muscle!Yoga and strength bodybuilding (yoga muscle) *casue I was injuryed" that is why. I accpet to be suffer pain. nothing esle, so keep my body & my breath to help mind."Would it make DIFFERENCE IF told you that no one sould possibly ever love anyone as much as I love you?" -tHE Butterful Effect
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| View Show | Create Your Ownjan. 20 2007
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I'd like to meet:

Lie is turn me OFF!I wont want meet a guy who have or wear: BAGGY PANTS, baggy pants, gold teeth(UH EWW) sorry it turn me off big time! if you dont like me then dont meet me :p


Nalin And Kane Music Video Codes
Now Playing: Nalin And Kane - Beach Ball
Remember, I am Hard Of Hearing as dEAF CULTURE, but at club only I can hear it! becasue it loud! lol love to listen Planet Rock, mostly of my favorites Freestyle, reto, house, Pauk Van dyk, Paul O. Tiesto, Ferry Corsten, Blue man group, J. Morales, Oscar G, Ralph, Baby anne, george acosta, much more a DJ a play a mix of rAvE!!!!, old school, breakdance, house, many Others.


I love 80's movie, I like almost everythings. E.T., never end of the story 1 & 2, mask, top gun, upside of anger, BEACH, there something about Mary, what about bob, spider-man, blade, Breave Heart, Walking tall, Incredibles, finding Nemo, what dreams may come, THE NOTBOOK, pretty pink, ghost, in her shoes. A walk in clouds, how to lose a guy in 10 days,there much more name a movies, never make stop new movies.CaN'T LiVE WiTHouT SiDeKiCK!


I dont watch much on tv, only at the night as a few of TV shows: WB,SMALLVILLE, Supernature NBC, ABC, scifif, MTV, A&E, Foodnet, Bravo & Scif-ifI love to watch them cartoon old cartoon Tom & Jerry, might Mouse, pink pather, woody, Care Bears,


A book, hmmm there are so millon of a book, so i dont really read a book, but I do sometime but more other something that despend on my mood, but yes i do read most of about photoshop Issus & Magazine(s)



My Blog

REASON WHY I DO my own yoga

Builds Strength There is a massive misconception in mainstream society and the fitness community in general, that yoga is for women, old people and cosmic types. Yoga is for everyone! ..> Stretch...
Posted by RED HOT BARBIE DOLL on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 11:22:00 PST

PhOtOShOp AddICts!

PhotoShop AddiCts! cid=72057594046639221&cy=ms&tt=0&at=0&map=1" target=_blank> LOVE OF MY PHOTOSHOP, DONT HATE ME  ...
Posted by RED HOT BARBIE DOLL on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:23:00 PST

By: George W. Vediz 1861-1937

Sign Language is here to stay. As long as we have deaf people we will have our precious sign Langague as it a God's noblest gift to the deaf.          &nbs.. .
Posted by RED HOT BARBIE DOLL on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:57:00 PST