ASHES ON YOUR GRAVE - R.I.P. [12.03.08]
Ashes On Your Grave are a 5 piece metal/hardcore band from Bristol. They consist of 2 guitars, bass, drums and vocals. With their likes and influences of genres such as metal, hardcore, and death metal, Ashes On Your Grave fuse these styles to create their own music.
22nd March 2008
Just to let you know, We have a new track up titled "The Climax" Check it out, Add it to your page, Tell a friend, Play it a million times!
Also, It's true we have split up, this recording was a little present for you and for us, basically because we thought it was a good idea to record one of the best songs we've written as a band and we wanted something recorded as the newest line up of Ashes On Your Grave.
Everything about the band splitting up is in our new blog. Check that out for more info.
It's in the blog but i'll write it anyway... We'll be playing our last show ever on Friday 18th April 2008 @ Bath, Porter Butt w/Godless Crusade, Bleed From Within, Shadow Law & Ignominious Incarceration.
We hope to see you there! It is our last show! So help share this last memory with us and make it an awesome night for us and for you!
Thanks to everyone for all your support
We appreciate everything you've done for us.
Thank You.
Ashes On Your Grave - R.I.P.
(Adam, Josh, Tubby, Neil & Matt)
5th February 2008
Sup guys,
Little update... Ashes On Your Grave have been confirmed a date, 20th March, to record 2 brand new songs for you by Chuck :) Some of you may have heard them from previous gigs, "The Climax" and "Carthage Massacre". So be posted and make sure you keep checking our page for further updates and information.
Also, the gig with Blood of Ash at The Fleece last Tuesday night was fucking sick! What a show it was. They owned! New pics up from that show, so go check them out. And give a couple comments for us :)
You may see we have a few more shows up with some great bands. If you can get to that area or if your from that area make sure you come along.
We're also on the "Bristol Band All Dayer" make sure you come to that show and check it out. It will be a fucking awesome day!
For further information, check out the blog.
Keep posted guys! More updates soon.
Ashes On Your Grave
1st January 2008
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Have a good one!
2008 shall hopefully be a good year for us. We have 2 gigs lined up for us this January at "The Fleece", Bristol with Blood Of Ash & February at "Face Bar", Reading with Abel Is Dying, Traces and more! We're very excited!
We hope to get alot more gigs this year also. So if anyone can help us out, Contact us!
Too bad about the gig we had at "The Magnet" in Liverpool on the 19th December. We got there to hear the band bringing the Backline dropped out, so we were fucked, as we were told everything would be sorted!
We were quite pissed off to travel 180 miles, and wait around for hours, not to even play. But!... We found This Is Colour around the corner! :) Got them on the bill and they played and they were awesome! Put on a good show.
You ask "When's the new stuff lads", Soooon we hope!
We are trying to get some dates to record the EP, Hopefully with Chuck again! and we're hoping it will be around the first half of this year... Mid February we're in agreement to do one or two songs for you :)
We'll give you a taster of our new stuff soon, We just got to sort some stuff out. So be paitient! :)
Happy 2008!
15th November '07
Hey guys,
Just an update, as alot has gone on since our last one.
As some of you know Ashes had a gig on the 6th November at The Croft, the first gig in about 4 months! It totally kicked fucking ass. We opened up to 4 really good signed bands, "Blueprint To A Down Fall", "My Minds Weapon" and from Bristol itself "Shadow Law" & "Evita". Before the gig we had alot of writing to do. As mentioned before we had our 3rd song to the the set titled "The Carthage Massacre" along with "Hope Is Fear" & "Salvation". We then started to write a 4th song, this started to go well, we had a basis of it, it even had a clean interlude! Deffently a difference to other songs written. That's until new guitarest Matt Lyne joined and kicked it up a notch. Adding some cool riffs to the tune. The song is titled "Your Eyes Spell Regret". We gigged these 4 songs at our gig at The Croft, and i have to say we had some great feedback from many people. Thanks for that :)
Since the gig it's been about only over a week, and on Monday 12th November we started to write a 5th Song to Ashes set! On the following Wednesday we added alot more parts and riffs to the song, it went fucking well! And i have to say, it's probably our heaviest song yet! So once we get this song down, done & dusted watch out for it! You'll be impressed, :). We may add a couple more parts to it yet, we don't actually know, but we'll keep working on it. The song is still yet Untitled, but we shall have a name for it soon, as Joshy has some lyrics floating around. We hope to be gigging it soon. Maybe at our College gig (12th December @ The Cooler on Parkstreet, 7:30pm) Haha! ;).
You may see we have a TBC date at Reading, we hope to get that date real soon! We're hoping to gig around the U.k next year with some great bands and some great venues including Swindon & Leeds etc, with our management. We've been talking about recording also. Maybe early next year?, :). We hope that everything goes well for us, And we'd like to thank you all for your support so far. You've been great.
Appriciate it alot.
5th November '07What a fucking day we've had, we're no longer with "Bleeding Tears Clothing" as they couldn't keep up their end of the deal. And as you all can see we have our shirts up for pre-order so go buy one :) and new layout is up, it's fucking awesome dont you think? let us know.
And the big news is that we're now part of
"Back Track Promotions & Management" which is awesome news for us as soon they're turning into a full on record label and we'll be releasing everything else through them from now on including New E.P which will hopefully be released early next year.Thanks to all of your support, we've had a really bad last 4-5 months and without you lot we couldn't be still going now
Thank you from the Ashes lot :)
October '07Hey All We Just Finished Our New Song! Titled "The Carthage Massacre" Still Writing Lyrics For It And That But Shall Be Done Soon Enough, So Weve Had Lil Jams And Got Some More Ideas As Were Writing A WholeBunch Of Kickass New Shit! Which Will Be On The New E.P (Release Date Unknown Yet!) And Also We Might Be Touring Next Year So Stay Posted For That And Also Got A Pro Designer Doing Us A Shirt Design, Were Well Excited, And As You See On Our Page We Got A TBC Gig Up And Are Aiming For Some More gigs Again!!
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