Myspace Layouts at / BMW 3 Series - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts at / BMW 3 Series - Image Hosting
street/sportbikes, traveling, pretty much anything cool, interesting and dangerous of course, i still have a lot to try ;-)
Some of the A Company girls: Marine Corps Ball Brooklyn NY 2006 and Marine Corps Ball Brooklyn NY 2007Craziest kid I know... love him to death:...and his lil bro uh ooooh lil sis!!!
Tomb Raider, Scent of a Woman, The Negotiator, American Beauty, Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down, Mr and Mrs Smith, G.I. Jane
there are to many hero's in this world to listLook, no riding gear...=)My cousin and I on the subway:One of my favorite little one's:My brother, at his finest =)
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