Hello to everyone and anyone who has made it to my page. Me? Robert Mag. Lead singer and frontman for Lostdog in Loveland. No worries- everything is fine and dandy with the dogs. The reason I created this page is for me to post songs that I have written- will write or cover that don't fit the Lostdog in Loveland mold. At least not the versions that will be posted on this page. These will primarily be bedroom recordings, drunk recordings (as the first two posted). Here you get to hear me in my clumsy, 4-chord, out of tune glory.I hope this becomes a place to collaborate with friends, whether they are old friends or new ones made right here on Myspace.
The two songs that are up right now, honestly are there because they are the only two I have on my computer right now. These aren't by any means polished or finished. As a matter of fact, these two songs were recorded in one take around 1:00AM after a few beers and about 5 shots of bourbon. There are noticeable mistakes- wrong chords, forgotten or wrong lyrics (you can actually hear a barely audible "shit" when I sing the wrong line at the end of Wasted. The reason I am not embarrassed to post these is that I love the mood that accompanies these songs. It was the end of the night after John and I were recording the vocal track to Blueberry Girl. It was late, the room was dark and of course we were altered by Knob Creek (product placement). These songs will probably be redone at some point but I doubt I will recapture the honesty these recordings hold....more to come...