Myspace Contact TablesIm Loz, aged 21 from Harrow, UK.
MODEL--> Ive just been signed to Samantha Bond so hopefully that means I can call myself a model without feeling like a twat... we'll see! So far ive appeared in FRONT, Nuts, Zoo, FHM, The Daily Star, Maxim, Monkey Mag and Kerrang. Plus wearing clothes ive modelled for cool dudes like EBTM, Criminal Damage, Sexy Conservation....
STUDENT--> In my final year of the appropriately geekily entitled Biomedical Science. Though the idea of sifting through poo in a lab for the rest of my life isnt actually that appealing, so I doubt Ill be going for a career in it (unless I suddenly develop some sort of scat fetish).
PROMO GIRL--> for JAGERMEISTER's London Team. Also occasionally for Midori & Luxardo Sambucca. Ive also worked at Download Festival for the last 2 years for the awesome Jackson Guitars!
PRESENTER--> Some crazy people at Sumo TV gave me a live show to present earlier this year. It was called My Sumo and consisted of youtube stylee clips. Joyful.
ACTRESS--> Yes, 'actress'. By this I mean I went to drama school for a bit and have done some extra work and featured in music videos. Always a good giggle!
What I DONT do: Porn, Escorting, full frontal nudity.
Ive attempted to make this page easy to read and in short sections as I know many of you have A.D.H.D. from eating too many skittles.... BUT the take home points are:
1)Want me to model for you? contact me!! I am totally up for music videos, clothes modelling and any interesting projects.
2)I wont give you my MSN, send you pictures, sleep with you or reply to your messages if I have nothing to say! I don't tend to reply to 'how ru?' messages because they're boring and lead to pointless conversations!! Silly jokes, random questions, LOLcats etc generally get a response!!
3)To the delight of my buddies I will name and shame you if you send me anything offensive. This includes publishing email addresses and phone numbers of the 'tards that think I will actually use them!
4) Finally, if you have to ask 'Do I know you?', then im guessing it means you don't....
Random list of some things I like:
PHOTOGRAPHY, MUSIC/METAL (guestlist always welcome thanks!), metal clubs, partying with rock stars, READING, zebra print, SCIENCE, TINTERNET, WED DESIGN, HOLIDAYS- North Cornwall, Tenerife, HOT TUBBING, NUDITY, sangria, ANIMALS- moo Cows, Tigers, Wiifit, Guitar Hero, LOLCats, Pugs- so ugly they're cute, FOOD- I love cake like a fat kid loves cake, genetics, Noodle City, playfighting, WATCHING MOVIES/Tellybox, Lego Star Wars, SLEEPING, DANCING-I may look like a 'tard, but at least im having fun!, PEOPLE WATCHING, ice cream, perving, collecting alchohol miniatures and plectrums, sunshine, pink and black, tatoos, Baskin Robins, Vampires, SNUGGLES!
1) Negativity/attitude/hate directed at random people. Having beef with a stranger is a little pointless. If this is a problem you have with me, just bloody talk to me and make up your own mind, Im not actually the devil!
2) People that say 'innit'and act all 'ghetto' in a serious manner.
3) People that walk really slowly and are really unaware of anyone around them.
4) Men that aggressively chat you up i.e. you politely tell to leave you alone & they chose to ignore it and/or turn nasty. I recently had 1 guy threaten to hit me after I told my boyfriend I was on the phone to, that some pushy guy wouldn't go away!
5) People that take themselves too seriously- laugh at yourself!
6) Lying and betrayal.
7) People that blame everyone but themselves for their problems and instead of being proactive, wait for things to get worse.
8) Women that call themselves a dominatrix as an excuse to act like a bitch and treat men like total shit. Also hookers that call themselves doms- you arent, youre a skank for letting clients be intimate. Finally 'doms' who wear collars, its a huge sign of submissiveness!
9) Night buses after an awesome night clubbing when you need to pee so bad you think you're gonna burst!
10) Being out of waffles and ice cream.
*Its nice to be nice and I fully believe in the power of karma.
*I like to play guitar hero in my pants. My special boy likes it!
*I sleep walk a lot! My ex once told me that I punched him in the head in my sleep- no it wasnt interntional!
*If you knew my family you would understand!
I like videos like this:
I also like big black cock
*I was a beaver, cub and scout as a kid. None of that bakey cakey brownie crap!
*I have a large mouth- I can fit my fist in it!
*Vampires and pirates are schmexy!
One of the main reasons I dont do drugs:
*I am a hopeless romantic. Its ace being in love, it just sucks so hard when it ends. Life doesnt have to be lonely, its nice to have someone to share it with!
*For the record: No, ive never been normal and Yes, ive always been a poser:
View it in multivision!!
Featuring Nola & Loz The Jagerettes! Check out my 'fantastic' dancing!