Nick profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Whats crackin people! Well for me not a thing!!! I work to much, dont party nearly enough, the gf may argue that point though. I work more than ever now. I have a pretty promising career working for Warren Buffet. Ya the billionaire. I am currently working my way the coporate latter. Soon i wont be janitor at the dairy queen i'll be manager! Hopefully things go right retirement is just around the corner, that meaning the corner 25miles down the road!! Back to the GF, she makes me laugh and keeps me in line! That spanish/Italian mix makes you tend to listen a little bit. Dont get me wrong i still wear the pants, only because its too cold to wear shorts at the moment. Oh did I mention i sleep in the nude!! yup thats right, junk just hanging out, did roll over on my nuts one night though, it hurt.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Anything fun that you will have no regrets!!! Im a geek at heart but you'd never know it till you talked to me for about 2 seconds. I try to cover it well.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that has a good time. get things taken care of and lets rock. Just remember its about MY priorities, i dont care if you work at jiffie lube and there are 35 oil changes to be done on tuesday the first, screw that lets go to the bar down the block and have a few. If you think that is a mix, i have yahoo messenger: [email protected]


anything that im in the mood for, i like it all, just depends on the day.


got alot of em, Napolean Dynomite be da bomb though


Gotta watch it on a flat screen lcd that i hung over my bed. Ya i know, but have you tried it!!!


I prefer to buy em on cd


This paper cup that holds my water.