adopt your own virtual pet!
LEG WARMERS , Kissing and cuddling w/ Danny(my favorite hobbies of all), KICKING ASS!, FASHION , KARAOKE , my iPod, HELLO KITTY , cooking 'n' baking, the 80's , going to the movies, the Boston RED SOX , dancing, TEXAS fucking HOLD 'EM , traveling anywhere and everywhere , BOLLYWOOD , california burritos, the CHARGERS , I'll kick your ass playing Jeopardy!
uh-huh. bring it :P
Little Miss Nikki's Entourage
I've got CRAPLOADS of friends.
My Poopies!
Aldine ♥
"RANDY" Justin
Ralph Macchio
Crazy-Legs Ian
Your Mom's in Here Somewhere...
JOURNEY , Air, RICK JAMES, Neil Diamond, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL , Rob Zombie, Heart, Lionel Richie, THE KILLERS , MICHAEL JACKSON , Modest Mouse, Barry Manilow, David Bowie,
HARRY AND THE POTTERS , Queen, SCISSOR SISTERS , HALL AND OATES , Franz Ferdinand, THE BEASTIE BOYS , Blondie, The Postal Service, PORTISHEAD , Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Duran Duran, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE , Damien Rice, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE , Metallica, Coheed & Cambria, WEEZER , Sneakerpimps, PRINCE , Iron Maiden, Justice, Louis XIV, THE BLACK KEYS , among others...
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, Hot Fuzz, SHAUN OF THE DEAD , Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, Running Scared , FUNNY FACE , Cabin Fever, Doggy Poo (Yes, That's a REAL Movie), The Notebook, AMELIE , Moulin Rouge, Y Tu Mama Tambien, 300 , Boogie Nights, Atonement, Death Proof, The Goonies , Lost in Translation, Pulp Fiction, The Royal Tenenbaums , Dreamgirls, Hostel, Polyester, The Virgin Suicides , GRINDHOUSE , PINK FLAMINGOS, The Princess Bride, MARIE ANTOINETTE , Psycho, Ghost World, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE , Cloverfield, Risky Business, Jerry McGuire (c'mon, there are at least 2 Tom Cruise movies out there that you like), any STAR WARS episode .... & many many more to name. I like any Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers movie. I dig their fancy feetwork.
WWE BROTHER!, Sportscenter (thanks, Danny!), GOSSIP GIRL , Project Runway Nip/Tuck , Jeopardy! , MacGuyver, Mind Freak. I know TV's bad for you, but what isn't nowadays?
BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WITH BEAUTIFUL FEELINGS , The Stranger (or L'Etranger, for you French folk), The Virgin Suicides, The Art of Seduction, The Potter books, My Secret: A PostSecret Book, and FUCK THIS BOOK (no, seriously, this is a book).
Danny Pee!
xoxo ♥