Little Miss Nikkiâ„¢ profile picture

Little Miss Nikkiâ„¢

vote or die! x)

About Me

It's NICOLETTE , lovin' life being DOUBLE DEUCE , My favorite color is PINK , I like to karate people in the face, I sing ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME, I ♥ driving my cars. Oh yeah, I like to drink [a lot, but not all the time, mind you], My favorite candies are Heath Bars and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, I like to pretend that I can dance well, any ice cream with chocolate and/or cookie dough is good ice cream in my book, I like hearing my grandma say things like "peeetcha" (pizza) and "hihpoopootahhhmoose" (hippopotamus), I can play any popular tune on the piano by ear (90% of the time), and I like to make clothes.
I love spanking my friends on the BUTT [BASEBALL STYLE!] whenever I get the chance, I dress my littlest dog [MINXIE!]up in outfits because she likes them, I wear cheap glasses because I frequently break them, I love taking pictures, 70% of the portraits I draw or paint are of my brother/ninja turtle Gabe, I can tell you what movie you're about to watch on tv before the opening credits show up, my number one goal in life is to own a Members Only jacket in every color before I die (I've got 5 already), and I have many many trademarked phrases, such as " SHUCKY SHUCKY, FIVE DAWRAH ", "I'd rather suck a donkey's left nut." and "Meeeeeeh-Owwwww" and "You wouldn't know what fashion was even if it jumped up and bit you right on the tittie!!".
I've got an AWESOME BF/HSBD [♥ DANNY ♥] who's no doubt the love of my life. I mean, what more can I ask for? He's hot, he'll eat try any Filipino food at least once, he likes dinuguan (for fuck's sake!), he treats me like a princess, buys me anything I want, and he still can't get over the fact that I'm Asian. We like playing old school Nintendo and MADDEN, he'll pick up Minxie's doo-doo if i ask him to, I love him more than he could ever imagine... so DON'T be jealous that we're PERFECT together. Or I'll break your legs. Twice.

My Interests

adopt your own virtual pet!

LEG WARMERS , Kissing and cuddling w/ Danny(my favorite hobbies of all), KICKING ASS!, FASHION , KARAOKE , my iPod, HELLO KITTY , cooking 'n' baking, the 80's , going to the movies, the Boston RED SOX , dancing, TEXAS fucking HOLD 'EM , traveling anywhere and everywhere , BOLLYWOOD , california burritos, the CHARGERS , I'll kick your ass playing Jeopardy!

I'd like to meet:


uh-huh. bring it :P

Little Miss Nikki's Entourage
I've got CRAPLOADS of friends.

My Poopies!


Aldine ♥

"RANDY" Justin





Ralph Macchio





Crazy-Legs Ian



Your Mom's in Here Somewhere...


JOURNEY , Air, RICK JAMES, Neil Diamond, DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL , Rob Zombie, Heart, Lionel Richie, THE KILLERS , MICHAEL JACKSON , Modest Mouse, Barry Manilow, David Bowie,
, Queen, SCISSOR SISTERS , HALL AND OATES , Franz Ferdinand, THE BEASTIE BOYS , Blondie, The Postal Service, PORTISHEAD , Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Duran Duran, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE , Damien Rice, QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE , Metallica, Coheed & Cambria, WEEZER , Sneakerpimps, PRINCE , Iron Maiden, Justice, Louis XIV, THE BLACK KEYS , among others...


BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, Hot Fuzz, SHAUN OF THE DEAD , Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, Running Scared , FUNNY FACE , Cabin Fever, Doggy Poo (Yes, That's a REAL Movie), The Notebook, AMELIE , Moulin Rouge, Y Tu Mama Tambien, 300 , Boogie Nights, Atonement, Death Proof, The Goonies , Lost in Translation, Pulp Fiction, The Royal Tenenbaums , Dreamgirls, Hostel, Polyester, The Virgin Suicides , GRINDHOUSE , PINK FLAMINGOS, The Princess Bride, MARIE ANTOINETTE , Psycho, Ghost World, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE , Cloverfield, Risky Business, Jerry McGuire (c'mon, there are at least 2 Tom Cruise movies out there that you like), any STAR WARS episode .... & many many more to name. I like any Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers movie. I dig their fancy feetwork.


WWE BROTHER!, Sportscenter (thanks, Danny!), GOSSIP GIRL , Project Runway Nip/Tuck , Jeopardy! , MacGuyver, Mind Freak. I know TV's bad for you, but what isn't nowadays?


BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WITH BEAUTIFUL FEELINGS , The Stranger (or L'Etranger, for you French folk), The Virgin Suicides, The Art of Seduction, The Potter books, My Secret: A PostSecret Book, and FUCK THIS BOOK (no, seriously, this is a book).


Danny Pee!
xoxo ♥


My Blog

are YOU reading this?

i noticed i got a whopping 52 visits on my blogs this week. 52. that's usually the number of reads i get like in a month or so, depending on how frequently i write. so thanks, i guess, to whoever's re...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:08:00 PST

pocket twos: day one.

i'm 22 now, and it's going good so far. ;PTHANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU,to all the people who wished me happy birthday yesterday.i'm almost a billionaire in starbucks gift cards now,so if you're wanti...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 01:57:00 PST

Dear Mommy and Daddy...

for my birthday, all i want is..... THIS!! so that when i play WoW, it will match my Hello Kitty Adventure Island UI Mod. :)oh and other nice things too.i love you! ;)xoxo,your favorite child...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 02:56:00 PST

"Its like.... Gods vagina."

the end is near.double deuce, here i come.i have my botox injections and skin creams ready. lolgrrrrrr i hate it!!on a lighter note, i saw 'pineapple express' tonight. it was freakin' HILARIOUS. james...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 04:03:00 PST

Two Words: DONKEY PUNCH. :)

i'll probably never watch this movie.... but it looks hilarious as make an hour and a half movie aboutone of god's funniest little pranks in lifeis PURE i present to you... donkey pu...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 10:13:00 PST

double deuce.

so it's almost my a month or so year older, one less year of living.i'm kinda excited but not really. i mean, yes, it's my birthday 'n' all. yipee!but there's really nothin...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Wed, 16 Jul 2008 02:55:00 PST

quatro de julio.

the san diego fair was is the fourth of, i guess. :|i can't sleep.but i'd like to.sometimes i think everybody hates mebecause they love me so much.sparklers make me smile.anything ...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 04:26:00 PST

You think you know, but you have no idea.

this is what happened.THE RULES OF TAG   Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with ten weird or random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose ten people to be tag...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:17:00 PST

What’s ’Happening’?? :|

ok so... i watched 'the happening' last night.and i didn't get it. i just... didn't get it. lolthey say it was the plants (?) but then again they say they don't really know what was causing people to ...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 02:15:00 PST

the golden state.

okay.. there seems to be some confusion about where exactly i'm currently residing. i've been getting a LOT of friend requests from people in the philippines and i just wanted it to be known that i DO...
Posted by Little Miss Nikki" on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 04:48:00 PST