Harry Potter. Blue Moon. Florida. My friends. My Fam. Sharpies, especially green ones. Pants that are long enough for me. Nachos. travelling. taking stupid pictures. boys. laughing. smiling. loving. hating. fighting. making up. text messages. punching people in the face. the internet. my gameboy. large sunglasses. checkerboard vans. chuck taylors that were made in the U.S.A. tattoos. monsters. dinosaurs. making messes. iced white mochas from Barnies. not doing drugs. watching really bad movies. hanging out in dive bars. vodka. crown royal and GINGER, not coke. snakes. I'm also in the process of taking up golf. I like to hang out with my ladies and watch movies. And My DJ, Roy... he is definitely an interest of mine.
| View Show | Create Your OwnKing Motherfucking Diamond:
The Bluths:
Especially these two, I love the Bluth Men:
Punk is the root of everything for me. Real punk, not shitty fallout boy, MCR bullshit. Real Punk, The Dead Kennedy's, Sex Pistols, Velvet Underground, LOC. and the like. Also, I am a huge Justin Timberlake fan... and recently, I'm into good house music.
HP x 5. Zoolander. 300. Requiem for a Dream. Edward Scissorhands. Donnie Darko.
I 3 Harry Potter. Also, other books. I don't really have time to name them right now, but I am definitely a huge fan of girly novels.....it's a guilty pleasure... I also like Bukowski a lot, what can I say I have a little hipster left in me. And Thompson... and russell edson rules. I will forever love shel silverstein.
My Aunt Patti. The bravest woman I know.