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In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separates us. Don

About Me

For those just getting to know me. I am one of those crazy multi-talented cats whos still trying to figure out how to focus all of this creativity . Previosly I've spent a year in Hong Kong playing Simba!
I also used to be a Jr. Agent at the Bloc Agency in L.A.
before that I was hitting the audition curcuit dancing, singing, commercials, hairstyling, assisting make-up artists,etc.... My journey has been unique in that i have done every possible kind of job that the entertainment industry has to offer. I've danced in music videos, and on tour with artists, sang on cruise ships, theme parks, background for artists, as well as lots of recording and songwriting, principal roles in commercials, musical theatre, televison and independant film, And some print work as well.My friends will tell you I'm hard to figure out but I think they would agree that it's worth all the work in the end. All in all I think I'm pretty geniune and the road getting to this point in my life has given me confidence in place of earlier insecurity and and chilled out my "diva-tude". I like to keep it real and not surround myself with CLONES or DRAMA! My tongue can be kinda sharp and I've been known to tell people the things that they dont wanna hear so only hit me up if you can stand to hear the truth!My family is originally from Michigan but I spent most of my childhood in Germany and California then back to Michigan for a while. I went to perfoming arts schools all my life I started out as a music major and discovered dance when i was forced to include a P.E. class. I then moved on to Interlochen Arts Academy, a boarding school (went to school with singers Jewel and Josh Groban) there I was a Ballet major. I eventually learned about how skinny ballet dancers needed to stay and I was OUTTIE!!! shoot I got bottie!!!
The rest of the story is pretty simple.... Headed back to L.A. in '93 signed with an agent, took class, scholarship programs.... blah blah blah I'm sure most of you are living out all the things that I did so no need to bore you with the rest of the details but at least you all now know what got me there.If i had any advice to offer entertainment industry newbies it would be to stay focused, work hard, be versatile, keep attitude to a minimum, keep changing till it works but make sure YOU stay YOU! dont take it too seriously (its just singing and dancing!), have fun with it, Remember why you're doing it and what originally inspired you (For me it was Madonna's Blonde Ambition Tour). DON'T COPY!!!! if you do your career will be short! Try to work EVERYDAY on any job no matter what the pay to build relationships. and be smart with your money!!!OK now that I'm done lecturing. Enjoy my page!! Hit me up! Email me, and all that! XXXXOOO!

My Interests

Get your own playlist at!Here's video of me singing backup for Enrique Iglesias on Dancing With the Stars: Dancing With The Stars - Enrique Iglesias

Add to My Profile | More VideosHere's video of us on The Today Show: Here we are on Yahoo's Nissan Live Sets:Yahoo Nissan Live Sets w/ Enrique Iglesias

Add to My Profile | More VideosHere I am with Enrique on Ellen Enrique Iglesias - Ellen Degeneres Show

Add to My Profile | More VideosHere we are on Isle of MTV for MTV Europe Isle of MTV (Malta) - Enrique Iglesias

Add to My Profile | More VideosSome of you have been wanting to know about my family so here goes. I come from a musical family with several musicians and singers so its part of who I am! Here are a few of my relatives:NIKI HARIS - Aunt/Singer

Niki Haris Is Best Known For Being Madonna’s Background Singer And Dancer For The Past 18 Years. Niki, Is The Daughter Of Grammy Nominated Jazz Pianist Gene Harris

Niki can be seen on all of Madonna's tours and live TV performances with the exception of The Virgin Tour and the most recent Re-Invention Tour. She can also be seen in Truth or Dare and in videos for "Vogue" and "Music".

She was also the lead singer of the dance group Snap!

GENE HARRIS - Grandfather One of the most accessible of all jazz pianists, Gene Harris' soulful style (influenced by Oscar Peterson and containing the blues-iness of a Junior Mance) was immediately likable and predictably excellent. After playing in an Army band (1951-1954), he formed a trio with bassist Andy Simpkins and drummer Bill Dowdy which was, by 1956, known as the Three Sounds. The group was quite popular, and recorded regularly during 1956-1970 for Blue Note and Verve. Although the personnel changed and the music became more R&B-oriented in the early '70s, Harris retained the Three Sounds name for his later Blue Note sets. He retired to Boise, ID, in 1977, and was largely forgotten when Ray Brown persuaded him to return to the spotlight in the early '80s. Harris worked for a time with the Ray Brown Trio and led his own quartets in the years to follow, recording regularly for Concord and heading the Phillip Morris Superband on a few tours; 1998's Tribute to Count Basie even earned a Grammy nomination. While awaiting a kidney transplant, he died on January 16, 2000, at the age of 66. ~ Scott Yanow, All Music Guide

My grandpa spelled our last name with 2 "r"s it was Niki who decided to drop the 2nd "r" for the Haris spelling and I've just stuck with that.

Grandpa was a jazz pianist! Here are a few of his albums!

I'd like to meet:

Inspiring people with their own thing going on. Be into music, entertainment, and fashion!


My Aunts, My Grandma, The Jets (80's singing group), Prince, Madonna, Oprah, Maxine Waters, Bill Cosby, Janet Jackson, Diane Warren, Will Smith, Vince Patterson, Margaurite Derricks, Paula Abdul, Jody Watley, Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks MyGen Profile Generator

My Blog

Live Earth - Enrique Iglesias

Well after and "interesting" trip to Damascus we all headed of to Hamburg for Live Earth. It always really awesome to know that you're putting your two cent into a "moment in history" it was definitel...
Posted by Tony on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:54:00 PST

Enrique Iglesias Concert in Damascus, Syria - My Thoughts

The subject of this blog is two-fold:FIRST: As many of you may know we recenctly got to perform a rare concert in Damascus Syria with Enrique. It was really an interesting experience FILLED with highs...
Posted by Tony on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 10:37:00 PST

MORE Enrique Iglesias - Insomniac Promo Tour

WOW! So we have done a whirl-wind bi-coastal promotion of Enriques long awaited INSOMNIAC album, and while its hard to keep my eyes open as I type this, I had to send something out to thank the amazin...
Posted by Tony on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:08:00 PST

Yahoo Nissan Live Sets w/ Enrique Iglesias

Hey guys thanks for all the nice comments on the Enrique stuff I posted so far. The Yahoo live private show we did is now posted as a feature on Yahoo Music so definitely check it out. Here's the link...
Posted by Tony on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 07:39:00 PST

My Tops! - Who are they?

I dont know what prompted me to write this one but I was looking at my "top" and thinking hmmm. As a Los Angelean I often find that the term "friend" is used way too freely. Now, as an artist, I know ...
Posted by Tony on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 09:31:00 PST

Enrique Iglesias - Insomniac Promo Tour

Hey guys! So I thought I'd do a little blog-age about my experience so far with Enrique. Wango Tango was a BLAST. We did our thing (of course). Got to catch up with some old dancer friends who were da...
Posted by Tony on Mon, 14 May 2007 10:47:00 PST


Why is it that some people use the word "friend" so loosely and trivialize its meaning. My dictionary says this: FRIEND- A person whom one TRUSTS. A person whom one KNOWS A person with whom one is ...
Posted by Tony on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

myspace vs. email

Remember that great feeling that you used to get when you signed on to you email provider and saw that you had new emails? Why is it that now that feeling has been replaced? I'm very whatever about em...
Posted by Tony on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST