Mia :)
i know people i am an arse and shit and ypu all think we wont last but i really hope this one does she is fucking amazing :)
everything about her is perfect :)makes me smilehates me so she does :)x
I'd like to meet:
hey i am michael i am 17 next week :)
i live in glasgow i love it
i haveand this year i plan to see them so much mose and become a better person
have the best pals ever dont really need anymore:)
but ye can add me on this anyway
life is good the now so dont mess it up for me
add me on msn
just ignore her bro...you dont need people like that in life....people that think theyre hard, or cool, or funny to try and put people down...theyre just complete arseholes that really dont deserve to live. they say shit about you and think its sound to do so. ignore them....most of the time they say things because their life is pretty shite or they aint great so they says things about other..
a close friend of mines fell out with me over i girl and then it turns out he is the one who cheeres me up .....and i see somthing why fall out over a girl when friend mean so much more leaving me stuff like that is better than anything a girl can ever make me feel friends like stew are the most amazing :)
this bit goes out to a few girls who have been getting involved with me and rona
girls who i would really look up to and call good friends
but how can they be good friends when me and rona are almost broke up because yous are leaving her messages telling her that yousare going to boot fuck out her !
she dosent deserve that she dosent kno3 yous and yous dont know her
if you guys actually cared for me atall than please stop it you are fucking destroying things for me and okay you migth not like her but at least do me a favour and just leave shit alone !
if not for her for me :(:(:(
as blood runs black
suicide silence
poisen the well
the black dahalia murder
kill whitney dead
flood of red
the black chain
bleed from within
at the gates
eternal lord
bring me the horizon
enter shikari
it dies today
six ft ditch
tanacious d
dead man in rino
dashboard confessional
help somone kill somone
job for a cowboy
abigail williams
we came with broken teeth
the archetics
the gogous
best movie ever :)
this is my girlfriend :)
i love her more than i love you :)