About Me
the names colin
my nickname is TWINKIE.
I'm 15 years old.
i have a life.
my friends are the shyt.
PUPPY & NICOLE aka my nigga & JUSTIN & LYSS & BROOK & KAI & DORI♥ && thats pretty much it.
if you dont like them then your GAY=].
i love partying. its deff a must.
i love to get CRUNKKK♥.
i love to play DDR;; dance dance revolution.
What i do is none of your business.
I absolutely LOVEE Mc Donalds♥.
I hate when people dont live life to the fullest.
You can't be pissy all the time, then you'll have no fun whatsoever.
I'll try anything at least once.
i love to hangout and go to the beach and swim.
Friends = Life. fo sho=].
I hate hate FAKE bitches.
my favorite color is CAMO♥.
its not really a color but who cares.
i cant live with out my cellular phone.
i wont change for no one.
i dont fall in love im afraid of heights!=[.
so dont try to=D.
birthday is on JULY 22;; fuck yeah P-A-R-R-R-T-Y♥.
&& thats all you need to no=].
AgEnDa Su1c1dex3
Holy shit lyts