Lots of stuff! I'm pretty much going 24/7. Send me an email if you want to find out. What can I say, it's a pretty good chance to get to know someone.
Whoever comes across my path.
Green Day is my favorite band. My myspace url is www.myspace.com/gdig where gdig stands for Green Day is God.
I really like pretty much anything with a good sound. I like punk, rock, some country, techno, etc. etc. I'm actually not into rap or hip hop anymore. I like some of the old school stuff, but otherwise, 102.9FM is completely off the radar.
Depends on my mood. Any decent action flick or comedy is always a good choice. Chick flicks not so much anymore, but sometimes I can tolerate them. I really like to watch suspence thrillers and accurate war movies.
Television in general is crap. Most of the time my XBOX 360 is running to entertain me. I've had rabbit ears on my telly for over two years and all I can say is I'm glad I'm not paying for this shit. The shows that are worth watching are as follows and in no perticular order: The Simpsons, The Family Guy, Becker, and House. ER is good on occasion, but their plot lines are so unbelievable any more. Reality shows suck balls.
Books are good, but it's really hard for me to get into them. Usually I'm out and about doing something and don't have time to read them. I did read The Da Vinci Code and it was simply amazing.
People who protect the citizens of this nation. United States soldiers of all branches, police officers from the national level down to the meter maid, fire fighters and everyone in any related field. Thank you.
What weapon are you? ( great pictures, and good results)
SwordYou fight with honor.You do your job and you do it right. You always accept a challenge and you fight it like its your last, every time. You were taught to fight with honor and courage.You dont like crying in public, and you like to be the strong one, one that keeps everyone together. You try your hardest, but you are only human, you also tend to put a lot of stress on your self, and you try and fix everyone problems even though you know its impossible. People also see you as a bit of a control freak, and sometimes a little over-protective.But your heart is always in the right place.
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