SunnJoe)) profile picture



About Me

im a pretty happy kid who enjoys life a lot. I work for Reprise/Warner Brothers and love my job and work with great people. I also manage a few bands, Wellwater Conspiracy and the Virgin Millionaires. Used to run a label called Third Gear who put out some records that im pretty proud of (Pavement, Volebeats, Outrageous Cherry, Don Caballero, Wellwater and more) and have played in bands for a good portion of my life, i was in a band called the Dirtbombs for around 3 years most recently and loved it but i had to be serious about a real job, serious...hmnn. Lived in Detroit all my life (but spent a lot of time elsewhere) and its pretty much revolved around my family, friends and music. Been lucky that i have been able to see a lot of the world through music and other great experinces and probably will do that until the time comes to move to florida or start listening to Josh Groban or whatever it is you do when you get older. Dunno yet, ill try and think of something witty and funny later but that about sums it up for now..

My Interests

Music is pretty much my life, almost everything i do revolves around it from playing, listening, recording, working, so that is what drives me. Other than that books, film, good food, cooking, funny people, cartoons. MI football...i dunno all sorts of stuff..

I'd like to meet:

cool people


this would be funny to try to explain in a paragraph, Music is pretty much my life so impossible but on most days I'd put up a strong argument that Marquee Moon or either of the first two Stooges records are the best ever but if you catch me on a Wed. i coul also argue Yo La Tengo, - Painful, Slayer - Regin Blood, Mudhoney - Superfuzz bigmuff, Joe Henry - Trampoline or pretty much most records to come out of the NY punk scene in the mid 70's. My all time faves are prob the Stones, The Byrds (and everything with Gram), the Band, ...The first few bands that really changed my life and the way i look at things were probably the Ramones and Sonic Youth. Hearing Sister for the first time was um pretty amazing..A old Pal Damon Che once said there is no such thing as the best record ever made there are hundreds of the best record ever made (this is when we were arguing about Jon Spencers Orange as it was about to come out) and that stuck with me and i agree. I happen to think Superchunks version of Brand New love is pretty close to musical perfection but that's just today...Bands who have I have been obsessed with lately are Dead Meadow, Residual Echos, Major Stars, Early Man, Black Mountian, Blood on the Wall, Sons and Daughters, Easy Action, Explosions in the Sky, Part Chimp, The Dirtbombs, The Volebeats, Joanna Newsome and about a billion more i cant think of at the moment. Oh yeah i did shed a tear (and not ashamed one bit) as Guided By Voices walked off the stage at the Metro in chicago on 12.31.04 to end the reign of the best pop band of our generation and the most fun i have ever had at a show. Does that sum it up?


Simpsons, pretty much it for TV ok occasional West Wing also..


Gluey the Snail.


THE KRAKEN, Braylon Edwards, J. Otto Seibold, guy who invented Zingermans, my mom.