TH3 3N!9M@T!K 50LD!3R profile picture

TH3 3N!9M@T!K 50LD!3R

........God....Show Me The Right Way....Now...I Need Your Guidance

About Me

MySpace Layouts @ HOT
HotFreeLayoutsYo ima care free dude.. always making people laugh with a craz attitude ya feel me..... i like to play basketball, and i love playin football. Im known to be alittle philosophical at times when i'm really pissed off.................................Get Your Own! | View SlideshowIf cupid dosent lie why does o winged cupid not let my fly. is it because the heart of a man wont let him cry or because the pride of a man would rather die. If cupid always tell the truth tell me why im goin in this loop. this endless spiral of betrayal and lust it kinda makes u think twice of who to trust. but winged cupid if u have forsaken me to a certain angle give me one last chance..for i am a fallen One Winged Angel.There is a special place in life, that needs my humble skill, A certain job I'm meant to do, which no one else can fulfill.The time will be demanding, the pay is not too good, And I wouldn't change it for a moment, even if I could.There is a special place in life, a goal I must attain, A dream that I must follow because I won't be back again.There is a mark that I must leave, however small it seems to be. A legacy of love for those who follow after me.There is a special place in life, that only I may share. A little path that bears my name, awaiting me somewhere.There is a hand that I must hold, a word that I must say, A smile that I must give, for there are tears to blow away.There is a special place in life that I was meant to fill. A sunny spot where flowers grow, upon a windy hill.There's always a tomorrow and the best is yet to be, for somewhere in this world, I know there is a place for me.~© Grace E. Easley

My Interests

I Love Writing Poems and looking up quotes and stuff like is one of them that i really like........................................................ ............................................................ Within each of us is a hidden store of energy. Energy we can release to compete in the marathon of life Within each of us is a hidden store of courage. Courage to give us the strength to face any challenge Within each of us is a hidden store of determination. Determination to keep us in the race when all seems lost ~Roger Dawson
Which Mortal Kombat warrior are you?
Special Moves:Flying Kick: Toward, Toward, High Kick

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I'd like to meet:

Your Birthdate: March 27
You are a spiritual soul - a person who tries to find meaning in everything.
You spend a good amount of time meditating, trying to figure out life.
Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal.
You are very generous and giving. Yet you expect very little in return.

Your strength: Getting along with anyone and everyone

Your weakness: Needing a good amount of downtime to recharge

Your power color: Cobalt blue

Your power symbol: Dove

Your power month: September What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


112 Cupid, Cant Stand The Rain New Edition, I'm Sprung T-paine bisacally all R&B
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Get Rich Or Die Trying, Star Wars III, The Fridays, Any Given Sunday, Saving Private Ryan
You Are Sunshine
Soothing and calm
You are often held up by others as the ideal
But too much of you, and they'll get burned

You are best known for: your warmth

Your dominant state: connecting What Type of Weather Are You?


Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: dont matta/
full name: Travis L Carver
nickname(s): alot....
birthday: 3/27/90
where were you born: A-hospital
zodiac sign: Aries
height: 5'9
weight: 130
hair color: black
eye color: brown
shoe size: 10 1/2
ring size: iunno
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): ........
blood type: B
grade: 11 in like 3 months
GPA: havent seen it in a while
siblings: alot
tattoos: nope
piercings: my ear
hobbies: drawing,playing my trumpet
color: Red
food: chicken
candy: snickers
type of cheese: ........iunno
pizza topping: ..sausage
salad dressing: ranch
sandwich: ham
cereal: cap'n crunch
fruit: peaches
vegetable: broccoly
berry: straw
cake: chocolat
book: harry potter
movie: X-men III
magazine: ..dont read em
newspaper: ..barely read that
tv show: ....One on One
website: myspace
radio station: 95.7
font: ??
cartoon character: bugs bunny
artist (painter): what???
actor: ...Denzel Washington
actress: Vivica A Fox
cd: .....
song: Back like that remix
music group: Boyz II Men
music type: R&B
day of the week: friday
month: march
season: fall
holiday: christmas
shampoo: .........
conditioner: .........
number: 12
phrase: ya heard mehhhhhhhhh
store: ...........
weather: rain
restaurant: dont really have one i just eat
channel: none in particular
teacher: N/A
weekend activity: basketball
hangout: deltons place
house color: ......
sport to watch: football basketball
sport to play: basketball
animal: dog
flower: rose
guy's name: ..da hell
girl's name: iunno
board game: ...........
party game: ........
story from childhood: i dont remember
body part: wouldnt u like to know
have you ever
been on a train: nope
been on a plane: yea
been in a car accident: yea
caused a car accident: maybe
run into a wall: hell no
burned a potato chip: ....da fuck
almost burned the house down: yea
smoked: HELL NO
been drunk: maybe couldnt tell
been high: fuck no
broken the law: yea
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): yea
kissed someone of the opposite sex: WTF hell yea
kissed someone of the same sex: ohhh hell no
frenched an animal: ....thats fukin dumb
made out: yea
had cyber sex: fuck no
gotten engaged: nawwww
had an online relationship: no
been rejected by a crush: no
loved: yea
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yea
cried in public: yea
cried over a movie: no
fallen asleep in a movie theater: yea
given someone a bath: nope
been to a boarding school: nope
been home-schooled: nope
lost a valuable item: yep
bungee jumped: nope
skied: nope
met the president: nawwww
met a celebrity: Dem Franchize Boyz
gotten a cavity: yea
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: nope
made a prank call: yea
skipped school: yea but not the whole day
faked sick to get out of school: yep
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: .....nope
climbed a tree: yea
fallen from a tree: yep
broken a bone: alot
sprained anything: yes
passed out: no
made yourself pass out: ........hell no
been to disney world: nope..heard it was the shit though
been to a theme park (not disney): yea
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): yes
made a model volcano (working model): no
made a clover leaf with your tounge: no
what did you do yesterday: not a damn thing
memory you miss the most: Band Camp
memory you want to forget: when i got arrested and thrown outta a mall
something you regretted after it was done: cussed out a cop
the last
song you heard: Back like that remix
cd you bought: Ne-Yo
thing you said: .........
time you cried: ........
movie seen in a theater: X-Men III
thing you ate: some chicken
person who called: Tania
nail polish shade worn: ..........da fuck
time you showered: this morning
person who complimented you: Tania
at this moment
what are you listening to: nothin
what are you wearing: bulls jearsy shorts and jordans
what are you thinking: this survey is bull shit
what are you scared of most: loosing my friends
how many people are on your buddy list: like 64 i think
occupation: Business Technition
marriage site: iunno
honeymoon: .........
place to live: Somewhere far from hear
kids: 2 maybe
car: i dont know
what are you doing tomorrow: dont know
do you think george bush will be reelected: hell no
will there be a wwIII: yea
will politics ever be truthful: nope
will humanity snuff itself out: yes
can the gov. be changed: hell no
best friend: Matt R. Peele
funniest: Brina Bogue
silliest: Allan Brothers
loudest: Jasmine
quietest: no one
craziest: Me
calmest: Aaron
skinniest: Javonnie
best secret keeper: i dont really know
worst secret keeper: maybe all of us
the one you have but don't want: none
smartest: Javonnie
preppiest: dont know
peppiest: Brittany
most hyper: Mary
hottest: ....all da females
weirdest: ...
biggest pervert: Allan
most annyoing: John
shyest: No one
most religious: no one
do you believe in
heaven: yes
hell: yes
angels: yes
devil: yes
god: yes
buddha: no
aliens: no
ghosts: no
spirit (soul): yes
soulmates: i guess
reincarnation: yea
love at first sight: yes
karma: HeLL yea
love in general: yea
luck: yes
yourself: hell yea
who and when was your first crush: none of ur damn business
any now: dont worry bout it
a celebrity crush: nope
who do you want to be with right now: my gurl
whos number do you want: dosent matter
who do you want to kiss: muh gurl
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: why they do stupid shit
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: dont know
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: 9
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: smile eyes
what do you look for personality-wise: attitude
biggest turn on: sexiness
biggest turn off: dumbness
something thay weat that turns you on: dont matta long as its not bummish
something they wear that turns you off: .......
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: .......
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: .........
what do you wear on a coffee date: ........
is it right to flirt if you're taken: no comment
is cyber cheating: i dont know
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: maybe
who would you like to take to the prom: already took that person
do you want to hug somebody right now: nope
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: nope
mellow: .......
melancholy: when im just not really happy
the perfect date: when nothin goes wrong
the perfect mate: .........
how m&m's are made: i dont know
why manhole covers are round: well...........i dont know
one or the other
coke/pepsi: pepsi
sprite/7-up: sprite
boxers/briefs: boxers
gold/silver: silver
vanilla/chocolate: chocolate
flowers/candy: flowers
book/magazine: book
tv/radio: radio
glass half empty/half full: half full
democrat/republican: democrate
colored pencils/markers: markers
coffee/tea: tea
sun/moon: moon
day/night: night
hot/cold: hot
dog/cat: cat
button/zipper: zipper
cotton/feather pillow: cotton
blue/purple: blue
plumber/trashman: plumber
jeans/shorts: jeans
long distance relationship/none: .........
mechanical/regular pencil: mechanical pencil
matt/ben: ..........
that 70's show/simpsons: simpsons
kelso/eric: kelso
donna/jackie: donna
bart/lisa: bart
romeo/juliet: romeo
romantic comedy/thriller: romantic comedy
nsync/bsb: ...........
peanut butter/jelly: both
waffles/pancakes: both
letter/email: email
florida/california: cali
pizza/burgers: .......both
hat/visor: hat
football/rugby: football
iceskating/blading: .....
movie at home/in theater: theater
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: sun
red lipstick: women
socks: high
cowtipping: ..........
moulin rouge: .nothin
greenland: nothin
iceland: cold
harry potter: nerd
red: what it be like
blackberry: black
rose: red
rooster: hen
taxes: money
bill clinton: weed
whipped cream: over her body
george w. bush: stupid
lollipops: suck it or not
dreams: long
love: romantic
guys: dem niggazzz
south park: crazy
boy bands: uhhhh
pengiuns: batman
girls: sexy
thong: hmmmm
death: ..........:(
spoons: full
junk mail: trash
dairy: nothin
panties: wow
your father: asshole
pizza: good
britney spears: white lady
vitamin: C
are you
happy: kinda
sad: maybe
religious: no
bitchy: no
crazy: yea
messy: sometimes
mad: not at the momment
slacker: no
nerd: no
bookworm: i was
jock: hell no
preppy: no
selfish: sometimes
giving: yes
obsessive: no
violent: when i want to
calm: no
peaceful: yea
mellow: no
eccentric: sometimes
caring: yes
untrustworthy: no
loyal: yes
patriotic: yes
perverted: no
colorful: yes
artistic: yes
what color is your jacket: black
do you shave: yes
where: home
what color is your razor: silver
what size is your bed: king
what color crayon would you be: red
what are the last four digits of you phone number: none ya
feelings on abortion: shouldnt be done
how lond does it take you to shower: 20min
what does your screenname mean: what it says
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: nothin
who so you trust the most: .........
is cussing a necessity in life: sometimes
how about coffee: ...alittle
is the world screwed: yea
what something you cant live without: my friends
what time did you fall asleep: dont know
know what 69 means: .....yea
how about 143: nope
can you live without a microwave: yea
what do think about death: hate it
where and when do you want to be married: dont know
do you want to drop out of school: hell no
why is the sky blue: cuz it is
what is a good trait about yourself: ability to be pholosophical
what do you always think about: problems
what is wrong with your school: people
what is right with your school: nothin
how do you react to change: i adapt
do you talk to yourself: no
what is your opinion on love: its a good thing
can you afford to lose weight: yea
what color would you dye your hair: no color
best thing anyones told you: i love you
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot: a smile
does being psycho appeal to you: hell no
if you wrote a book, what would it be about: my life
what would you change your name to: nothin
longest crush lasted how long: dont know
tme finished: dont know not payin attention
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Ive read alot of books back when i was young. The only books i remember reading was the Harry Potter books...............ANOTHERRR QUOTEEEEEEE................................................. ............................................................ .................... The journey's our goal, our path is the point ...There are two days in every week we should never worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.One is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its aches and pains, its faults and blunders. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed, nor erase a single word we've said. Yesterday is gone.The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its impossible adversaries, its burden, its hopeful promise and unknown performance. Tomorrow is beyond our control.Tomorrow's sun will rise either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds ... but it will rise ... and until it does. We have no stake in tomorrow, for it is as yet unborn.This leaves only one day: TODAY! Anyone can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when we add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.It is not the experience of today that drives people mad.It is the remorse of bitterness for something that happened yesterday, and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.Make TODAY the best day it can be, and live one day at a time!~ Author Unknown ~


My Mom, Ms Patricia Madison