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call it off


About Me

the full story in black and white. I don't think it's a matter of winning or loosing...i think it's a matter of trying your best and putting up a fight so you can at least say you tried. I like bikes and going really fast. I like doing everything fast. When something makes me feel good I want more until I'm bored. I like the wind. I like strong windy days. I like the sun, but only when it's cool outside. I like the winter. I like to figure out the way things work. I am not satisfied with mystery. I absolutely have to pick apart anything that intrigues me until i know how it works. It's like my own little OCD. I have a problem with pride. It's in my genes. I get conceited. I have heard that it's part of a young males instinct to be prideful. I don't think that's a sufficient excuse. I like bikes. I like technology. I like playing music. I like making music.edit* i strongly believe that ignorance, thinkheadedness, and a near suicidal level of determination are all a natural part of life. the last two are traits one is born with that allow us to survive. In order to grow and develop into the fucking person one eventually becomes, me thinks one must jump blindly into the darkness sometimes, balls out, no holds barred. so fuck you, sanctimonious, sir, and your cautious, piously experienced existence. I am a contracted cadet with the ARMY ROTC of the old war skule. I am working on a major in music, classical voice concentration. When i graduate i will commission with the United States Army as a 2nd lieutenant. My hobby and passion is music. Life is a trip. When it's time for me to die I will be more than ready to go home, but for now I am gonna rock the fuck out till it's my time to check out.

My Interests

answers, right and wrong, music, life after death, happines vs service, service vs death, happines in service, marshall amplification, bikes, controling the sub-harmonic overtones of amplified upper-register dissonant guitar intervals, the human body and the inner workings of the perfect biological machine, vintage soapbar P-90's, computers, the frequency spectrum annalyzation of the harmonic break-up of distorted low and lower-middle register compound-tenth guitar intervals, the subharmonic and superharmonic frequencies in dissonance, the perfect universal guitar tone, the pulse rythms of amplified and distorted consonant and dissonant interval frequencies, im interested in why, im interested in fish, and people.

I'd like to meet:

God, Charles Darwin, Osama Bin Laden, a girl that will help me push, a girl who will help me slow down, a girl who will look through and tell me to shutup, a girl who loves God, a girl who is just as broken up but who takes comfort in it, a girl who will remind me what really matters, a girl who will love me for me, a girl who will make me proud in working our land, myself when I was 5 or 6.


The Deftones, Blindside, Explosions in the Sky, Tool, Massive Attack, James Bernard, Mudvayne, The Smashing Pumpkins, Eldridge, Megadeth, Sevendust, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Nickel Creek, Chevelle, George Fredrick Handel, Radiohead, Led Zeplin, Wolfgang Adameus Mozart, Queens of the Stone Age, Incubus, Endochine, The Eagles, Tom Petty, Chris LeDoux, Brahms' Intermezzo, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, A Perfect Circle, Team Sleep, Flyleaf, Limp Bizkit, Black Light Burns, The Damning Well, Mr. Bungle, Filter.I like sound that is made with the sole intention of being pleasing to the ear, not sound manufactured for profit. you can tell.


American History X, Waking Life, My Iron Giant, Broken Arrow, Crash, Pi, anything with Clint Eastwood cause that man defines the term "badass", Saving Private Nemo, Scarface, Little Private Ryan, Clockwork Orange, Traffic, Full Metal Jacket, Liar Liar, Rob Roy, Under Seige, Lords of Dogtown, Requiem for a Dream, Braveheart, King Aurthur, Glory, Walk The Line, Syriana, Apacalypto, Black Hawk Down, 12 angry men, Spinal Tap, Waiting, Lord of War,




Mr. Popper's Penguins, Sphere, The Andromeda Strain, As a Man Thinketh:EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS...props to my momma may! Airframe, proverbs... in the bible, The Perks of Being a Walflower, The Misadventures of Blue, Shadow Boxer, The Silver Chair, The Purpose Driven Life, FM 7-8, Fast Food Nation. Working on: The Purpose Driven Life, Future Shock


Jesus, Job, David, Royce Gracie, Hector Berlioz, Joseph Haydn, those who overcome their fears, those who never stop attempting to overcome their fears, those who never stop attempting to overcome their fears and never succeed yet continue to try to reach 46 and 2, those who eat shit over and over and over again but keep getting up and taking it, those who don't give up, those who try to better the world in the way that was so obvious to us when we were children, my grandma momma may, my dad, my stepmom Lesa, Pete Loeffler of Chevelle for remaining humble in success, and simultaneously being strong, for fuckin saying what needs to be said in a very unique, but clear and precise way, and for fucking kicking the asses of the ones who deserve it with song, the old and wise...and anyone with and inkling of hope.+

My Blog


you got something fucking profound to say? let hear it! I'd rather people assume that im a dumbass than open my mouth and prove them right. lets hear it, fucktard. let me know all about how it is. lah...
Posted by call it off on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:15:00 PST


im a two point 66666666666666666666666667 beer queer. just do what you got to do babe. don't worry about me. im full of teen angst but im 21. im 21 years old. I THOUGHT I WAS SUPPOSEd TO BE GROWN WHEN...
Posted by call it off on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 06:58:00 PST

shipping out

im leaving tomorrow at like 6:15 in the morning. my flight is @ 7:30. good shit main. im the fuck out. PEACE.
Posted by call it off on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:39:00 PST


1. What are your initials?SIY2. What is your favorite thing to wear?cargo pants, hurley shirt, etnies. the best fucking designed shoe in all history. 3. Last thing you ate?if rum doesn't count it's wa...
Posted by call it off on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:46:00 PST


1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?God 2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?thats when you get to run and ride it into the cart holder thing and smash it into the o...
Posted by call it off on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:10:00 PST

no really

it aint like you a victim. If you think that everyone is so cruel and you just can't find anyone true you are seriously fucked up. Cause the game you play where you latch on and give yourself away and...
Posted by call it off on Tue, 01 May 2007 08:25:00 PST

quote of the year

this was quoted from my buddy Logan, who has had the privilege of being sucked dry by the coldest of working girls. He's got the bitch pretty figured out. ======"Your ability to prove that you've mast...
Posted by call it off on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 08:33:00 PST


man my top friends are all fucked up now. one of em died and now they're all off balance. it's disgusting to me how all of my friends from high school minus like two have completely let them self go. ...
Posted by call it off on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 05:55:00 PST


The longest survey you'll ever fill out! Do the world a favor: fill it out and post it for all your friends.... Do this because the person who sent it to you didn't sit here for ages for nothing. Answ...
Posted by call it off on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:09:00 PST

we should prepare for the worst

When It's all burning... when it's over...When it's all said and done,Were we ever even alive?This keeps repeating in my head-We should prepare for the worst...When it's all burning... will we see cle...
Posted by call it off on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:48:00 PST