Kayaking, backpacking, science, music, traveling, philosophy, protesting, debunking religion. And all that other stuff.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Howard Dean. Howie is the perfect man, you know why? Because he's a Dem through and through. You rock Howie.
Seriously though, I'd like to meet some new people in Garden City. I seek active people that can keep up with me. Common qualities of the friends I keep include kindness, compassion and humility. I have a wide variety of friends and I like it that way. Expand my horizons and I'll try to do the same in return.
Here's a generic sampler: DMB, Jocelyn B, The Roots, Tribe Called Quest, Erykah Badu, Common, Mos Def, Pink Floyd, Greatful Dead, The Killers, Iron & Wine, Coheed & Cambria, Paul Van Dyk, NYSO, David Gray, U2, NFG, BNL, Dylan, Bob Marley, and I currently love the Buena Vista Social Club...that covers a scratch of what I listen to.
I like movies, with exception to the ones I don't like.
I don't watch much TV, but when I do...I can't get enough Will & Grace reruns, Seinfeld reruns, PTI, South Park, Curb, Family Guy, and Good Eats with Alton Brown.
Currently reading '1984.' SciAm subsciber. Hmm, also have 'The Velvet Monkeywrench' on my nightstand along with 'For Whom The Bells Tolls.' This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
My siblings. Two amazing sisters and one truly incredible brother. And...Margaret Sanger for having Texas-sized balls.