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I am here for Friends

About Me

So, me in a nutshell...I am an active, professional, fun-loving gal with a penchant for grassroots politics. Lately my two favorite diversions are kayaking and mountain biking, though I do complete the 'adventure sports trifecta' with an occasional hiking trip. Community activism is extremely important to me and I spend a lot of my free time volunteering with a local Peace organization. (See them at www.michiganpeaceworks.org) During the daytime I can be found in a research lab, at night I like to catch some good local music. A perfect night in Ann Arbor includes one or more of the following: a great beer, great blues, a flick at the Michigan, a brain-tickling conversation over a steamy coffee, and/or a long stroll in the crisp evening air along the river at the Arb.My new city has been good to me so far, but I'm still trying to find the little secrets of the town. So far I've come up with the great naan at the Indo-Pak restaraunt around the corner, the amazing neighborhood Christmas light displays, the fact that Hines Park floods every time it rains (just enough for me to *possibly* get a kayak into), and one of my favorites...you can hear the high school football games from Wednesday night through Friday night in the Fall & if you choose to sit on the porch with a beer, you've got free entertainment.

My Interests

Kayaking, backpacking, science, music, traveling, philosophy, protesting, debunking religion. And all that other stuff.

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Howard Dean. Howie is the perfect man, you know why? Because he's a Dem through and through. You rock Howie.

Seriously though, I'd like to meet some new people in Garden City. I seek active people that can keep up with me. Common qualities of the friends I keep include kindness, compassion and humility. I have a wide variety of friends and I like it that way. Expand my horizons and I'll try to do the same in return.


Here's a generic sampler: DMB, Jocelyn B, The Roots, Tribe Called Quest, Erykah Badu, Common, Mos Def, Pink Floyd, Greatful Dead, The Killers, Iron & Wine, Coheed & Cambria, Paul Van Dyk, NYSO, David Gray, U2, NFG, BNL, Dylan, Bob Marley, and I currently love the Buena Vista Social Club...that covers a scratch of what I listen to.


I like movies, with exception to the ones I don't like.


I don't watch much TV, but when I do...I can't get enough Will & Grace reruns, Seinfeld reruns, PTI, South Park, Curb, Family Guy, and Good Eats with Alton Brown.


Currently reading '1984.' SciAm subsciber. Hmm, also have 'The Velvet Monkeywrench' on my nightstand along with 'For Whom The Bells Tolls.' This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5


My siblings. Two amazing sisters and one truly incredible brother. And...Margaret Sanger for having Texas-sized balls.

My Blog

Their, There & They're ... A Pet Peeve Instructional

http://www.wikihow.com/Use-There%2C-Their-and-They%27re Hope this helps quash the problem, err should I say MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE.  For those of you insisting on ingnorance...beware!  I will...
Posted by AJ on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:31:00 PST

Camping & Stuff

I am fresh off of two of the best camping trips I've ever been on.  Last weekend was the Wheatland Music Festival, which was a three day event of live folk music, camping, and instrument making w...
Posted by AJ on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:07:00 PST

The House

Bought a house. Yeah! One giant leap into adulthood. If anyone gets bored, please stop by and pick up a paint roller. Funny that I now know two cashiers at my Home Depot by first name and can reci...
Posted by AJ on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:49:00 PST

Want to go to a concert with me?

So, I have two tickets to the Dave Matthews Band show in June at DTE (Ben Harper is opening...BONUS!). Its time for the selection of a guest to be made. Here's how we're gonna do it...a quiz. Pleas...
Posted by AJ on Wed, 17 May 2006 07:33:00 PST

Now That's Funny...In 5 Easy Steps

1. Go to google. 2. Type - "Failure" - WITH THE QUOTATION3. Hit the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button4. Laugh your ass off at what comes up. 5. Tell a friends.
Posted by AJ on Sun, 07 May 2006 09:28:00 PST

Sweet Ass Website - For Students of Thought

Check out this website. Really good stuff compiled in one place. I promise you will never get bored again. http://www.humanistictexts.org/Enjoy.
Posted by AJ on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 07:20:00 PST

1:30 on a Sunday

So, apparently 1:30 on a Sunday is the time to be on MySpace. 30% of my friends are on right now. I think that's the most I've ever seen at once. Huh, interesting.
Posted by AJ on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 10:26:00 PST

Tearin up the trails

Took the bike out for the first time today. Spring is officially ON! The water is almost warm enough to head out on and the bike trails are dry enough to pass. Sweet. Let a fantastic 8 months of s...
Posted by AJ on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 04:51:00 PST

Lost in a glass of wine

I am sitting here, drinking the most perfect glass of wine ever created, feeling nothing but happy. I wish I could buy a lifetime's worth of this wine and give a bottle to everyone I know. Then the...
Posted by AJ on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 07:20:00 PST


When it rains, it pours. That's all I'm saying. Never fails. When it rains, it pours.
Posted by AJ on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 12:30:00 PST