the official howard® myspace page profile picture

the official howard® myspace page

dogs are wolves pretending to be people.

About Me

I am currently the video editor and graphics guy for the television hunting show, Tejas Adventures. Happily married, I've been off the sauce for just over three years.I'm a voracious reader and will juggle multiple books just to keep myself confused. I love lifting weights, even though it looks ridiculous written down. To me, it doesn't seem that humans are any more flawed than hamsters, tigers, lady bugs or goldfish. Like the Maya, I would put down my tools and walk away from civilization and agriculture in a heartbeat (it just seems unnatural). I believe we are animals who are fooling themselves into thinking they are important. It seems to me that the big religions of the world (christianity, islam, judaism, hindu, buddhism) are all the same thing; they all say the earth belongs to man for him to conquer, enslave and rule and if you give yourself over to any one of them, apon release from the horrible, ugly world, you will be rewarded with a plane of higher existance or salvation. Promises, Promises. The only place they disagree is on how you get there. This doesn't make these belief systems bad, simply inadequate and based on the unknowable and unlikely. I don't believe salvation is necessary because there is nothing to be saved from other than our own misguided idea that our way is the one right way to live. Is it possible for six billion people to live the same way? I don't believe the answers to our problems on earth are found in the sky nor do I think the world was created for us. It all sounds like a kid's Santa Clause Fairy-Tale to me.Get MySpace Layouts from nUCLEArcENTURy .COM OR create your own using MySpace profile editor !!!
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My Interests

I'm a new dad, I enjoy playing scrabble with my super sexy sweety, Pamela (all that and brains, too), collecting comics, reading comics, drawing comics, hunting meat, hanging out with my important people, lifting weights, playing frisbee w/ my sleek bitch, Jet, scratching my cat, Loki, archery, photoshoppery, AE, writing short stories, not drinking alcohol, sleeping as much as possible, accepting my mortality, Pammy's cookin' and lovin'. I got it fucking made. BOWHUNTING!this is my babies' mama, Pamela. she can totally kick your ass at Scrabble

I'd like to meet:

people I already know and people who want to hire me to do storyboards or the way, if you are in a band and i don't know you personally, don't bother trying to get me to add you. you'll be met w/ a big fat "DENY".


Bowie, Supersuckers, Blues Explosion, Slits, Iggy Pop, Public Enemy, Bob Log III, Doc Watson, Wayne "The Train" Hancock, Coltrane, Stones, (Bon Scott)AC/DC, Johnny Cash, HANK I, II & III, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Martin Denny, Flatt And Scruggs, Johnny Thunders, Bongwater, Buck Owens, Desmond Decker, George Jones, Supergrass, Ennio Morricone, Floyd Cramer, John Lennon, Waylan Jennings, Willie Nelson, Patti Smith, the Cars, Prince.


The Wild Bunch, Sideways, Cube, The Last of the Mohicans, Life Aquatic, Taxi Driver, A Very Long Engagement, Incredibles, Fight Club, Nemo, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Episode III, Sin City, The Godfather, Murderball, Black Robe, Jaws, Outlaw Josey Wales, Boy & his Dog, Scarface, Meatballs, The Machinist, Hero, The Aristocrats, Batman Begins, Time Bandits, The Wrong Man, Little Big Man...


ROME, Deadwood, Band of Brothers, Extras (it's not TV it's HBO, bitches!), Dexter, L-Word, Law & Order, Simpsons, Adult Swim, Venture Bros., Daily Show, Colbert Report...


Vonnegut, Hero With a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell), Daniel Quinn (Ishmael, Story of B, My Ishmael), Life Of Pi, The History of the American People, Miller/Eisner, Call Of The Wild, Carlos Castaneda, The Origin of Species (Darwin), Richard Dawkins, Please Kill Me (oRal hiStory of pUnk), Cocaine: An Unauthorized Biography by Dominic Streatfeild, And The Ass Saw An Angel, comics, comic, comics.


John Buscema, Quanah Parker, Vercingtorix, Darwin, Theodore Roosevelt, Geronimo, Thundarr the Barbarian, Joseph Campbell, Jim Steranko...

My Blog

First Sonogram

This is the first of several sonograms I'll post. It's a bit long but the sex of the kid is revealed. There's a graphics if you want to fast forward. Pamela's First Sonogram Add to My Prof...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 10:49:00 PST

Uncle Joe

I'm just goofin' around these days.Uncle Joe Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 10:22:00 PST

one sleek bitch!

this is my bitch Jet... her diet consists solely of B.A.R.F. that's right she only eats raw meat and bones and nothing else. turns out that the kibble is a pretty new invention and up until about f...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 08:44:00 PST

how did things come to be the way they are?

it's a difficult question to answer. i was taught that humans lived in an ignorant "stone-age" and then the agricultural revolution came and things got a lot better. my blogs tell you that i don't see...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 12:24:00 PST

a model for anarchy...

anarchy is not chaos, it is natural order. the indigenous tribes of north america lived in a state of anarchy before the europeans showed up to tell them they were living incorrectly. each trib...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 09:45:00 PST

totalitarian agriculture

pretty much everything we hate about ourselves can be traced directly to our form of totalitarian agriculture. i'm not just talking about america; i'm talking about our world-wide culture of locking u...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 06:23:00 PST

how you livin'?

it is the mythology of our culture that steers us into wanting the same kind of thing. we call it progress. but it never wants us asks where this progress is leading or if the progress might be bad fo...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 01:08:00 PST

choctaw bingo

native american casino founder ..1 the white man has taken everything and left us to die off on the reservation. native american casino founder ..2 yes. we once lived as we pleased, anywhere we p...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 10:22:00 PST

something about seniors...

in totalitarian (socialist/communist/fascist) regimes the elderly are fed by the state. this gives them negative value to the state and is why they are often killed off like in nazi germany. in capita...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 12:51:00 PST

the "homeless"

"homelessness" is a negative word in and of itself. The system of our culture hates it because it represents a way of living that chooses nonparticipation in that system. The left and the right of the...
Posted by the official howard® myspace page on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:20:00 PST