lucid profile picture


I embrace my desire to swing on the spiral of our divinity and still be a human...

About Me

aspiring historian, self-destructive student, political inactivist, video gamer, devoted father, proud dog owner! card carrying liberal, and if you don't like that.... get the fuck off my page dude! ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5

My Interests

mika, my kids, video games, cartoons, action movies, drawing (badly), drinking (beer in particular), coffee (the good kind, not the bad kind), candy (skittles are my favorite), fried food (did ya know you can fry just about everything in your cabinet and it tastes good?), music, chillin with my homies, seeing my family, reading great books, reading great news, football (Oakland Raiders), baseball (Oakland Athletics), makin beats, racing my RC car, taking my dog for a walk, video game magazines, water parks, going camping, roller coasters, receiving money, having days off from work, having days off from school, grape flavored drinks, grape flavored trees... off the top of my head

I'd like to meet:

George W. Bush so I can kick him in the nuts, and Ann Coulter so I can kick her in the ovaries!


TOOL, a perfect circle, pink floyd, nine inch nails, coheed and cambria, radiohead, stabbing westward, dream theater, audioslave, to name just a few...


scarface, terminator 1+2 (3 kinda sucks), the professional (not the bitchass american version), the alien trilogy (3 also kinda sucks, %234 is lame), the star wars trilogy (the new trilogy... you guessed it, sucks), the godfather (once again, 3 sucks... are you noticing a trend?), goodfellas, half baked, akira, apocalypse now, true lies, commando, black hawk down, rambo (..3 is my fav. finally, a good third movie!), top gun, way of the gun, band of brothers, saving private ryan, three kings, james bond movies (goldfinger and golden eye), ninja scroll, war of the worlds....


Lost, cartoon network (ATHF, sealab, squidbillies, the venture brothers, family guy, futurama, billy and mandy), history channel (military history is my favorite, but i also really enjoy modern marvels and ancient history), spike tv, G4 tv (xplay and AOTS are great shows), FOOTBALL, baseball, basketball.


the new nuclear danger (a great book about nuclear weapons that will scare the shit out of you), the forgotten soldier, iron coffins (two great books that will make you empathize with german soldiers), rainbow 6 (greatest... clancy novel... ever), history books on world war 2 (mind blowing stuff - 62 million people died in this war), collapse, guns germs and steel, harry potter (vastly entertaining), fight club (as good or better than the movie), the forever war, starship troopers, calvin and hobbes comics, aliens vs. predator (if only they had based the movie on the book), eye of the needle, the charm school, lord of the rings, the silmarillion (an essential read for any fan of the books)


my parents, for working hard every day to make my life better

My Blog

The Oakland A's should move to Fremont

The Oakland Athletics should build a stadium in Fremont, no doubt about it. The move is right on so many levels. The A's are an exciting franchise, having won nine World Series and have contended in t...
Posted by lucid on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:17:00 PST