Getting through this life alive, which of late has been getting increasingly hard. Mostly in part due to crazy SUV flipping car accident and attacks by coin armed Jews with a death wish. I want to find a cure for A.D.D to, I think that would either save this world or destroy it, I'm hoping for the first of the two. I and in case you were wondering yes I am a dork, I do play Magic the Gathering and Warhammer 40,000/Fantesy. And I do dabble in writing, nothing serious or romantic, quite the opposite from that; it’s really not my forte.
Let me be Joseph (Frank got boring) there are quite a few people out there somewhere in the billions if I'm not mistaken. That means that there is a lot of people out there to get to know and a lot of people to lend a hand to and help. Not to mention I’m always on the look out for Miss Wolfy. The lady to make all my dreams come true, the women of my dreams, my Angel. To bad I have not dreamt in a while, I have no idea as to what she looks like.
I will be honest, music today pardon my French blows. Weather it is singing so bad is sounds like yelling and the words can't be understood(which I'm told is the actual style) or the men and women in the industry that have no actual talent and are making millions off us. Let’s start a campaign to destroy bad music, WHO'S WITH ME?!?!. Yes I know I pissed a few people off with that one but no one can go through life without pissing some one, how many people did Jesus Christ piss off?
Now I have to say I like way, WAY, WAY too many movies and I need to get out of the den and live a real life. But in case you want to talk about a movie then just ask me about it, odds are I have seen it enough times to recite the lines from start to finish.
This I do watch from time to time and I do happen to have some shows that I feel must be watched. South Park, Family Guy, Futerama, Jackass, Scrubs, DEXTER and Shark.
You may find this one funny but I am an American teenage (soon to end) male who really does enjoy reading. Bet you did not think we still existed. I mostly read Sci-fi stuff though corny stuff, but there are times when I can walk into a book store and leave with quite a few books ranging from "How to Survive a Robot Uprising" to "Hot to think like Einstein". I just like to read.
My mom and dad, if you raised me you better be the best. And of course the late great Steve Irwin, he will be missed. b6byPkKzaB.