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Joey Wolf

Condoms aren't completely safe. A friend of mine was wearing one and got hit by a bus-Bob Rubin.

About Me

Hello there wayward travelers and welcome to my myspace profile, before we continue I would like to point out I’m not a fake account designed to show you nuddie pictures (besides who would want to see me naked anyway) or something like that. Here go look at my pictures see the picture with me and my URL, yea that one SEE it’s me. My name is Joseph and I’m not entirely sure how to describe myself in an “About Me” box so I will offer you my friend ship and then we can go from there, who knows we could be buddies or worse enemies but who knows? Now I think despite the simple unimaginable ever growing ever diminishing vortex of utter chaos and order that is the most disorganized organized static ever changing piece of solid ethereal thing of unthings you will ever encounter in this world and the next is my mind I have lived an ok life thus far and I do want to live better I ask you to not push your beliefs on me, respect that rule and I shale do the same to you, it’s the golden rule, do onto others the way you would have them do onto you. And if you want to know I can be reached via aim at Altair488, see you latersz. Postsecret: A Valentine Video
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My Interests

Getting through this life alive, which of late has been getting increasingly hard. Mostly in part due to crazy SUV flipping car accident and attacks by coin armed Jews with a death wish. I want to find a cure for A.D.D to, I think that would either save this world or destroy it, I'm hoping for the first of the two. I and in case you were wondering yes I am a dork, I do play Magic the Gathering and Warhammer 40,000/Fantesy. And I do dabble in writing, nothing serious or romantic, quite the opposite from that; it’s really not my forte.

I'd like to meet:

Let me be Joseph (Frank got boring) there are quite a few people out there somewhere in the billions if I'm not mistaken. That means that there is a lot of people out there to get to know and a lot of people to lend a hand to and help. Not to mention I’m always on the look out for Miss Wolfy. The lady to make all my dreams come true, the women of my dreams, my Angel. To bad I have not dreamt in a while, I have no idea as to what she looks like.


I will be honest, music today pardon my French blows. Weather it is singing so bad is sounds like yelling and the words can't be understood(which I'm told is the actual style) or the men and women in the industry that have no actual talent and are making millions off us. Let’s start a campaign to destroy bad music, WHO'S WITH ME?!?!. Yes I know I pissed a few people off with that one but no one can go through life without pissing some one, how many people did Jesus Christ piss off?


Now I have to say I like way, WAY, WAY too many movies and I need to get out of the den and live a real life. But in case you want to talk about a movie then just ask me about it, odds are I have seen it enough times to recite the lines from start to finish.


This I do watch from time to time and I do happen to have some shows that I feel must be watched. South Park, Family Guy, Futerama, Jackass, Scrubs, DEXTER and Shark.


You may find this one funny but I am an American teenage (soon to end) male who really does enjoy reading. Bet you did not think we still existed. I mostly read Sci-fi stuff though corny stuff, but there are times when I can walk into a book store and leave with quite a few books ranging from "How to Survive a Robot Uprising" to "Hot to think like Einstein". I just like to read.


My mom and dad, if you raised me you better be the best. And of course the late great Steve Irwin, he will be missed. b6byPkKzaB.

My Blog

The outer and inner physiology of a Wolf

I am one of the many results of an NYPD's officers attempted suicide. My chest hair forms a massive bat. I hate myself more then I hate anything and everything in the world. I greatly enjoy loo...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 01:47:00 PST

A penny for your thoughts

These are things that have been said to me or that were said by another during this fisaco we call life that at one time or another have halped and still continue to help me. "This to shall pass"-Flor...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:02:00 PST

A modest desire

I want a girl. I want an immature rude loud girl. I want a girl who will not hesitate to yell and curse and degrade me. I want a girl who will use me for my money and my body. I want a girl who will c...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 10:11:00 PST

My Declaration of Love

  Hi there Ladies and Germs I have an announcement or more of a declaration. My declaration of love. It's a tiresome bothersome subject but a subject that weather we like it or not has a MASSIVE...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:59:00 PST

Tis the season to be bloody and corny

   Twas a month before Christmas and all was screwy. It looked as if we all get fucked up just like King Louie. The holidays were not happy they started to rebel and all we could do simply w...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:07:00 PST

Life as a movie, no wait life is the movie.

I was thinking about something funny the other day. You know how in this one corny movie about teenage stoners in some far off alien world known as California were given an assignment to write on what...
Posted by Joey Wolf on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:20:00 PST