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Dating Survey
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1. Would you date someone who smokes? Yes
2. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Hmm depends on the situation
3. Would you date the same sex? Hell to thew mutha fuccin No!
4. Whats your biggest turn off? a stucc up girl
5. Whats your biggest turn on, physically? facial features
6. Where would you go on the first date? Whats A DAte
7. Most hurtful relationship? 6acc aminute ago
8. Ever regretted breaking up with someone? not really
9. Have you ever dated someone more than once? Yes
10. Do you miss any of your exes? Not Really
11. Whats your biggest turn on, NOT physically? yah mental
12. Are you single now? No
13. What is the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you? My poota got me a present 4 christmas never got a Gift 6efore her
14. Last time you got flowers? Fucc do i look like flowers is a chicc thing
15. Are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now? Already am
16. Do you like cuddling? yea 6ut not in this hot ass weather lol
17. Do you hold grudges? Honestly no life too short
18. Do you regret dating anyone? Everyone 6efore Poota
19. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
20. Missing someone? Poota
21. Most important lesson you have learned from dating? Its hard 2 6e away from someone you love
22. What does it take to get you on a date? not much
23. Are you happier single or in a relationship? relationship def its 6etter no guessin who like u an dum6 shit like that
24. Whats the most important thing in a relationship? Trust all the way
25. What would make you break up with someone...no questions asked? I walk in or know 100% you fuccin someone else
26. Have you ever loved someone who did not love you back? I didn't Really love 6efore now
27. Favorite ex? None
28. How important are looks? on a scale from 1- 10 100
29. How do you know when you are in love? Its a Gut feelin trust me u'll know 6ecuz its a 6rand new feeling all together
30. Do you consider yourself shy? Hell No im a loud unruly Mutha Fucca
31. Would you rather date someone who was SUPER-hot or someone who was SUPER-nice? Super Hot sometimes a little bitch to u can 6e sexy
32. If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? Yes 6ut it would take a min 6efore i trusted them
33. Have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating? Most def O.M.G
34. Do you currently want to date? Nah Im Good Where I am
35. Thing that made you the happiest today? Knowing That me An poota still together
36. Would you ever date anyone your parents disapproved of? Yea I have 6efore lol who hasnt
37. Do you stay friends with the people you date? Of course what type of relationship will yah have if yah not friends 2
38. Favorite memories with an ex? NoNe
39. Would you fight over someone you wanted to be with? Yea i def would
40. Do you kiss on the 1st date? Not Really
41. Would you date someone A LOT older or younger than you? Not Younger
42. Have you ever been lied to? O.M.G and u know this MAAAAN
43. Ever been cheated on? againO.M.G And u know this Man
44. Do you think the word love is overused? Nah Just 6etween people who dont mean it
45. Ever been called a whore? Yea for no reason
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for everyone who claim to know me
Whats my full name?
Devonn J. Henriquez
Whats my girls Name?
Tiffany Jones
Whats my favorite color?
how many 6rothers and sisters do I Have?
What am I most affraid of?
Whats the name of my street team?
Ghost Squad Entertainment
Whats my favorite rap group?
who is my all time favorite rapper?
Biggie Smalls
How many times have I 6een in love 6efore now?
What code of conduct do I follow
The code of the sith
would I kill someone for cutting my hair?
hell yes
Do i have more of a westcoast style or eastcoast
westcoast of course
Do I want to marry Poota
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This is sum of the shit i do on my spare time