If you can touch em... theyre real!!! profile picture

If you can touch em... theyre real!!!

The Stiffmeister!!!

About Me

I'm 19 years old who likes to play guitar. i love music. cruise in my car, and spend time with my family and friends! I got a full time job, startin to head up jobs. I don't have but one life and I'm livin' it for all it's worth!found this travel layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotCommentsindex=myspace_layouts"HotFreeLayouts method='post' target='_new'
Name: Ryan
Birthdate: 3/1/88
Birthplace: San Diego
Current Location: Farmville NC
Eye Color: Green outside and Blue inside
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160
Piercings: not yet
Tatoos: not yet
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: workin on it
Overused Phraze: whatever man
Food: Fried Chicken
Candy: Snickers of course
Number: 48 or 54
Color: Blue
Animal: Doberman
Drink: Gatorade or Powerade
Alcohol Drink: dont really drink at all
Bagel: Cinnamin
Letter: R
Body Part on Opposite sex: The Whole thing
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke, but I'm related to the family that owns Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: subway
Strawberry or Watermelon: Both
Hot tea or Ice tea: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: Summer
scary movies or Funny Movies: funny
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: Whenever
Most Missed Memory: Hangin with Nick, Shane and Trent, and seeing asia
Best phyiscal feature: Arms
First Thought Waking Up: 5 MORE MINUTES please
Best Friends: Nick, Shane, Mary, Josh, Asia...tk?
Weakness: I'm a sucker for a pretty girl!
Fears: nothin'
Heritage: Irish, German, Native American
Longest relationship: 5 yrs
Ever Drank: I'm known as THE Party Animal!
Ever Smoked: Once
Pot: Once
Ever been Drunk: I'm known as THE Party Animal!
Ever been beaten up: undefeated baby
Ever beaten someone up: yes
Ever Shoplifted: once
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: whatever
Favorite Hair Color: blonde or brunette or black
Short or Long: whatever
Height: my height
Style: hers
Looks or Personality: looks to catch me - personality to keep me!
Hot or Cute either or
Drugs and Alcohol: no drugs
Muscular or Really Skinny: toned
Number of Regrets in the Past: 0
What country do you want to Visit: It's not a Country but Hawaii
How do you want to Die: whenever
Been to the Mall Lately: worked there last week
Do you like Thunderstorms: they don't bother me
Get along with your Parents: sure
Health Freak: not totally
Do you think your Attractive: sure
Believe in Yourself: sure
Want to go to College: not really
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: alcohol, not really
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: yes
Want to get Married: sure
Do you want Children: undecided
Have your future kids names planned out: " " "
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: whenever
Hate anyone:
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Everything About You Survey

Personal Information
First Name//: Ryan
Age//: 19
Gender//: alpha male! haha!
Nickname(s)//: Stokes, stokie, snickers, cabanito, Hollywood
Hair Color//: dirty blonde
Hair Style//: short
Eye Color//: green outside, blue inside
What is your favorite
Color//: blue
Game//: dont really play them, maybe, gears of wars
Song//: Comatose, by skillet
Music Video//: anything with carrie underwood in it.
Animal//: Doberman
Sport//: football and basketball
Country//: U.S. baby!!!
Movie//: anything funny
Food//: fried chicken
Best//: Josh, Nick, Shane, Asia, Mary, Omar...TK?
Funniest//: Josh!
Coolest//: All of them
Sweetest//: Asia
Kindest//: Mary
Annoyingest//: none
Dullest//: none
Stupidest//: cant say
Most Intelligent//: josh
Athletic//: nick and shane
Boy(Girl)friend//: just friends
Are you in love right now//: no
Do you have a crush//: a little one
Do you have a stalker//: no
Do you miss someone right now//: a lot of people
What do you do
At school//: dont go to school
At home//: sleep
Outside//: work on my car
When you first wake up//: go back to sleep
What _____do you hate
Food//: raw meat/ olive garden
Color//: ?
Hair color//: ?
Tv show//: almost anything on now days
Clothing style//: ?
Movie//: anything with fags!
Emotions Right Now
Are You Happy Right Now//: sure
Sad//: naw
Grumpy//: no
Annoyed//: yes
Angry//: a little
Sick//: not physically, but of someone
Lonely//: naw
Bored//: a little
Have you ever
Made your own religion//: no
Written backwards//: no
Written your own magazine//: no
Drawn art//: tried
Got angry with a game//: oh yeah
Played Lacrosse//: no
Broken a bone//: yes, my right arm
Dyed your hair//: a couple of times
Put in contacts for no reason//: no
Swam alone//: sure
Things that come to mind when you read...
Intelligentence//: dont have any
Stupidity//: lots of people have it
Depress//: my brother
Blood//: my work
Blue//: ocean
Gray//: ?
Sword//: got one
Golf//: cant play
Soccer//: play a real sport
Yellow//: sun
Socks//: holy
Ribbon//: ?
Random Questions
Play Sports, if so, what ones//: use to... football, basketball, baseball, soccer, martial arts
Have a lot of friends//: fo sho
Write good//: most think so
Eat a lot//: not really
Like the day Friday//: tgif!
Like the month December//: kinda
Do you(or are you)
(DY)Give good advice//: i think so
(DY)Talk crap//: a little
(DY)Play a lot of games//: no
(DY)Wear hats//: kinda
(DY)Like to be outside//: oh yes
(AY) Always mad//: no
(AY) Always happy//: no
(AY) A good friend//: yes
This or that (Last questions)
Night or day//: both have there plus sides!!!
Snow or Rain//: whatever
Stars or the Moon//: whatever
Ocean or Pool//: ocean
Boat or Plane//: boat
Books or Magazines//: mags!
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: neither
Blonde or Black Hair//: blonde
Green or Blue Eyes//: i have both
Pants or Shorts//: i have both
Pop or Rock//: rock
Punk or Emo//: punk
Tatoos or Piercings//: both
Necklace or Ring//: eh
Clouds or No Clouds//: white clouds
Art or Literature//: eh
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: jeans
Singing or Dancing//: idk.. cant do either
March or May//: march baby!
Halloween or Christmas//: christmas
Coke or Pepsi//: coke
Hug or Kiss//: both
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My Interests

we have said-ill right it on youre forehead fucker!that was out of left, right and center field.you know.i want my cheesecake.i'm the coolest retarded idiot you know!

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet someone like her!


Joe Satriani Videos | Music Video Codes | Seattle Real Estate


Ricky Bobby, American Pie(all of them), bad boys 1&2, office space, bench warmers, wedding crashers, click, hitch, 40 yr old virgin, red dawn, anything funny!


CSI & MTV! and Over There.


Anything about cars!


Actually my cousin-in-law Josh and my bud Shane!