Rose Edith Hughes. Cemetaries, ossuaries, crypts. Home improvements.
Ghosts. Vegans. Ghosts of vegans. Shadow people. Hair stylists. Italian heirs to the Medici fortune that would like to marry me.
Slide guitar, theremin, beats and strings.
I only listen to bands/musicians that start with "B" - Bonobo , Battles , Blockhead , Belleruche , Bad Dudes , Bjork , Bootsy , Botch , Beethoven, Busdriver and, of course, this Guy :
Aside from that, Ola Podrida has to be my favorite right now.
Marcel Duchamp, Banksy, Orlan, Karen Fiorito, -sten-, Lex, Lucamaleonte, John Carr, Sam Flores, Bosch, Praxiteles, Bernini, Borromini, Carvaggio, Ruth Asawa, Man One, Nick Knight, Richard Colman, Bigfoot, Winston Smith, A1one, Botticelli, Cindy Sherman, Anonymous
TaxidermiaParenthood, Beetlejuice, Friday, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Fight Club, American Psycho, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Cabin Boy, Amelie, Dancer in the Dark, Run Lola Run, Memento, Supersize Me, The Corporation, Yes Men, Trainspotting, Girl on a Bridge, 12 Monkeys, Edward Scissorhands, A Clockwork Orange, the Shining, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket, Dazed and Confused, the Dinner Game, Princess and the Warrior, Nowhere, Doom Generation, Old School, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, Man Bites Dog, Snatch, Anchorman.By the way, Lost in Translation was so terrible it wasn't even a steaming turd. It was one of those old, flaky white ones.
Ren & Stimpy, Jeopardy!, Sealab 2021, Aqua Team Hunger Force, The Tick, The Office
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuick, Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, The Stranger and the Plague by Albert Camus, stuff by Eugene Ionesco, The Trial by Franz Kafka, Trainspotting, Ecstasy & Filth by Irine Welsh, Seraph on the Suwanee and Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, A Clockwork Orange and One Hand Clapping by Anthony Burgess, the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy, Lies and Lying Liars by Al Franken, the Futurist Cookbook by Filippo Tomaso Marinetti, Uomo di Fumo by Palazzeschi,
Marco delli Santi, Eric Drooker, Dr. Kevorkian, Marcel Duchamp, Gee Vaucher, Eve Libertine, Edward Colver Angelyne