Biology, Computers, Video Games, Anime, Books (Sci-Fi, Fantasy, other stuff) RPG's (D&D and Shadowrun), Good Times (TM).
Radiohead, TMBG, Gorillaz, Modest Mouse, Green Day, Bjork, Tori Amos, Mozart, Bach, Yoko Kanno, some other stuff.
Some movies i like (in no particular order): Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, Dark City, The Usual Suspects, 12 Monkeys, Lord of the Rings (all three), Serenity, Donnie Darko
The Daily Show, Firefly, some stuff on Cartoon Network (dont watch a lot of TV).
Jurassic Park, Sphere, Snow Crash, The Diamond Age, Neverwhere, American Gods, The Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn 'Trilogy'
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