iNeresTs:mUSic, pLaYinG MusIC, RaViNg, dRaWiNg, kUnG fU, nInJaS, yadda yadda yadda, shiny things!
put this in music when myspace fixes
=†: |2obiN :†=
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†HeL L o â€
and welcome to my home on this crazy little place i like to call the net. My name is |2ob and im a musician schooled in the arts of guitar, bass, and piano(not so much on the piano lately) I am self taught thanks to my f r i e nd th e net here. My mother calls me a gypsy, i call myself free spirited and free minded. My friends just call me a bum =P. y ou decide XD. Im p r etty chill and youll find im good co m pany as i hate bei n g bore d so i gotta keep things interesting wherever i am >:)
uSeLesS wOrDs oF rAnDomNesS.
hallucinogenic drugs are just the plant kingdom’s way of trying to communicate with the animal kingdom"
oo-=-oooo-=-=-oooo-=-oo â€
E !!!
P R E pA R E †o Ev a CuA†e SouL
fav music:
fav movies:
|=iGhT CLuB, tHe MaTriX, bLadE, V fOr vEnDeTtA, bOondOck SAinTs, sNaTch, dArK CiTy, STaRgaTe, tRoY, hALf bAkEd, eTeRnaL SunsHiNe o|= A sPoTLesS mInd, tRaiNspoTTing, pUlP FicTiOn, aRMy o|= DarKneSs, And-god-Knows-how-many-other-fuckin-movies-i-cant-think-of-r
ight-now, plus anime films such as iRiA VaMPiRe hUnTer D, sPiriTed AwAy, and nInJa Scr0LL
tv is evuulll, but if i must watch, i choose to watch:†He O.C., Los†, 24, AngEl, bUFfy †He VamPirE sLayEr, FamILy gUy, FiREfLy, †ru CaLling, Fu†urAma, AqUa †eEn hUngEr FoRcE, iNvaDeR zIm, and w/e else sparks my interesttv is evuulll, but if i must watch, i choose to watch:†He O.C., Los†, 24, AngEl, bUFfy †He VamPirE sLayEr, FamILy gUy, FiREfLy, †ru CaLling, Fu†urAma, AqUa †eEn hUngEr FoRcE, iNvaDeR zIm, and w/e else sparks my interest
i read minds not books -_-
Jack White, Trent Reznor, Superman, Wolverine, the Fantastic 4, the guy who invented porn, the guy who invented the internet, the guy who invented porn on the internet